Write Out Loud!

Sept 22 H.W-Jaheim Canty

In middle school I wasn’t really the talkative type, even though I had friends when it was time to get my work done in class I would put all my focus into the work and wouldn’t talk much. My teacher by the name of Mr. Marshall wasn’t really the nicest person, me understanding that me and my classmates are still children I never understood why he was so annoyed by us. He would give us extra work for being talkative and called everyone home everytime someone complained. I just always found my way into trouble even though I didn’t do anything wrong and I questioned why.
On parent teacher conference we would have to first go to the office to pick up a schedule of the teachers that where attending and I found that Mr.Marshall was available. I went to go ask my parents if we could stop by there first and they said sure. As we approach his classroom I greeted him and me and my parents took a seat in the classroom. As we took a seat Mr.Marshall grabbed a envelope with the classes grades in it and handed me my report card for me to check my grades. I found that I was doing pretty good in his class and I questioned him why he was so hard on us in class & why he didn’t like us . He responded “if I wasn’t hard on you all your grades wouldn’t be as high as it is”. That’s when I had realized he wasn’t really a bad person he just really wanted us to work hard and succeed, and from that point on I never questioned his orders.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Nice story.

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