The story follows a father and husband of 7 years who has a history of alcohol abuse, and falls of the wagon due to his work environment. The Companies motto is “When everyone is a winner no one goes unnoticed”, but because of that most of the hard working employee’s don’t get noticed and get properly awarded for their work and our main character has brought this problem to his bosses attention but they don’t seem to care. After being disheartened by his boss lack of care towards his complaint  he decides to go into a near by bar while leaving work and has a few drinks, later a few drinks turns into a counter full. The bartender notices the slurring mess that he has become cuts him off and sends him off. On his way into his house he finds his wife standing there and she immediately starts screaming at him about coming home at 2 am and not calling to let anyone know where he was, this then erupts into and argument and not being in his right mind our mc with one quick strike slaps his wife to the floor, Realizing what he’s done he falls to his knees a crying and slobbering mess begging her for forgiveness, the  wife gets up and walking away to their bedroom with a now bloody lip gushing as if this is not the first time this has happened. Later in the day when he wakes from the couch his wife with her now bandaged lip offers him an ultimatum where he has to choose to start going back to AA meetings or she will take their kid and leave.

When choosing he will either choose to go to the AA meetings with an open mind trying to get help and make new strides in his life, or let the thoughts of him not moving up the ladder and getting his work noticed at work get him down and he will attend the meetings with a closed mind making him take his frustrations out on the other attendees by criticizing them, leading to a total of 3 outcomes. It’s a story of his inner struggle of choosing whether to try and better his life and not letting himself be swallowed up by his problems or let himself be crushed and succumbing to his problems and negative thoughts surrounding him and losing everything.

One issue I’m going to have  will be using code in order to make the game. The different codes can be overwhelming and sometimes a pain to remember. Also, I need to make sure that my story is the appropriate length. The length is important along with the details so it can keep the player wanting more.