"Game On, Python!"

Responsibility – Xuefeng Zheng

I strongly disagree that people want the game communities, game companies, and the whole computer industry to pay the most responsibility that users or players created. I don’t understand, why people blaming things on games. If a video game without players, it can’t do anything. Players are the biggest Influence in the gaming community. Nobody force you to pay so much money on game items, nobody force you to curse someone or say something very bad in the chat, nobody force you to be addicted to video games. Players control their own mouses and keyboards. We can judge a game is good or bad. We can also judge a game is positive or negative. But we can’t put players’ responsibilities on games or game companies. Same as on the internet. Nobody force you to send fake information, and nobody force you to read them. We control what we say and what we do. And the most interesting area is that the internet now affects the whole world. This was unpredictable two decades ago. And they are both parts of our lives. No matter games, works, or social activities. I believe, since the world’s technology grows stronger, the internet is also bringing more influence at the same time.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    That is an excellent point! Without players, there are no games :-D. So nobody can blame anything on the games themselves. But there has been a debate since pretty much forever about personal responsibility and creator responsibility. I do like your point, however.

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