Practice Session 1

I like how Lili starts her writing with repetition. “We… we… we……” It actually isn’t good to set in the first sentence of an article. But Lili did use this skill that a lot of people always forget about. And she creates a very interesting topic. Lives between the inside of the class and the outside of the class. Just like some college students live a chaotic life because they don’t know how to manage their time and activities. So should students bring their classrooms with them all the time? I mean it depends on different people. In the text, Lili gives us the answer to her opinion, ” Who needs to ponder academic questions outside of class? It’s an invasion of our private lives.” In this part, it is ok to give the reader our own opinion straightly. However, create a counterclaim that makes readers more active with the text. For example, ” some people might think to bring our class into our lives is good for study. However……” If Lili put her ideas after the “however”, which builds the claim stronger, also lets readers think more of Lili’s article. Otherwise, this article really catches the teenager’s attention. Except for Lili’s idea, this article also has multiple answers for readers. When they think about their own situation of class management.


Practice Session 2

Nick’s writing also short. But it has all it needs to be a nice article. His depiction of characters is vivid and full. Even though there’s only three characters, Nick, Loki the dog, and the deers. Wolves and mountain lions are the foreshadowing of this article’s topic. And I believe is about the wild animal are disappeared in the mountain.  As Nick says, “Gone are the days of wolves and mountain lions prowling through these woods giving the deer something to truly fear rather than this would-be predator at the end of my leash,” and “How are you all that’s left?” Nick didn’t mention what his topic really is when he writing this article. He decides to let readers guessing what he trying to say through the text. By myself, Nick’s article has a core of a poem. Beautiful description with simple words, and a hidden topic for readers to open their thoughts. However, this is also a defect for Nick. It’s different than a poem. He is writing an article. That means to give a hidden claim will create more confusion than joys. As a result, we need to let readers understanding the text, so they would find out the beauty of this writing.