Since I came to this country I have encountered many Englishes and it hasn’t been easy for me because when I was in school the English that my teachers spoke good and well structured English but as soon as I heard my classmates talk I lost all the clue of what’s happening  around me, I remember that I was so embarrassed by speaking English because I had and I’m still having a broken English, people use to bully me every time I spoke until one day I realize that their English was worst than my English, I always tried to improve my English and them didn’t I participated more than all of them and even with my lack of vocabulary I was one of the students who participate the most and now here I am in college when most of them drop out of high school, all this that happen to me made me be the person that I’m now, a person who doesn’t care if someone calls my English broken or say that I don’t know how to speak English and as Jamila  Lyiscott said “Now you may think that it is ignorant to speak broken English
But I’m here to tell you that even “articulate” Americans sound foolish to the British” I loved this part because these words show us how there are not any broken English as also there is not any perfect English the thing that really exists is the Englishes that is as simple as know when to say the correct words in the correct time to the correct people and in my opinion also says a lot about your culture because even if you live in the United States for all your lives there always will be some words that will be connected to were you from and who you are.