In the beginning, I decided to create a really big and cool fantasy story. I wanted to create my own fantasy world. I mean I did want to reach audiences who also like the fantasy worlds. I don’t think it was really that hard. I have so many ideas to support my game. Just need more time to finish the whole thing. I mean tons of times. And that’s the only thing I worry about.

However, everything changed when I find out that we should create a video game that connects to the real world. My whole plan becomes useless and I gotta start all over again. So, what I need to do that time is came out with a new idea. I somehow did it and I literally start to manage my new storyline when I just have that idea. In fact, I did the thinking and writing at the same time.

Now, I already finish the story. I think it might be longer than others. And to be honest, I don’t really think it is a good one. It might be just a beta type. That means I will fix some “bugs” when I programing this game. And the old fantasy story. I saved it on my laptop and I will use it in the future maybe. Like, create a pixel adventure game? Who knows? But right now, I am glad I finish my story. This is a good project.