Act 2- New beginning

You are in a new world, you are confused and you don’t know what to do. The Fairy appears and tells that this new world is created by all the memories you have and this world is going to show you the path that you have to choose in order to create your dream. The Fairy tells you to go to the south.

a) follow the Fairy directions and go to the south.

b) explore a little bit before going to the south.

c)tell the Fairy to send you back to your world.

Option A results in you going south and find a village.

Option B results in you finding some enemies and learning how to use magic to fight against them. then you go to the south and find a village.

Option C results in the Fairy telling you that you don’t have any other option and you start walking towards the south and you find a village.

You get to the village and you see that the people of the villages are all in their homes, you see an old man and ask him “Why is everyone in their home?” the old man says “The darkness is destroying all the villages of the world, how you don’t know that… Wait!! you should be the ONE.”

a) ask the old man what he means when he said the ONE.

b) you remain silent and let him keep talking.

c) you say I don’t know anything about this world, don’t try to fool me.

Options A and B result in the old man telling him that there is a prophecy of one man that will come to this world when the darkness comes back to stop it.

B) the old man says that he is not going to fool you and explains to you that you are the ONE because you just came from another world to save us as the prophecy says.