The year is 2020 in New York City. Starly is a young Dominican boy who lives in the Bronx and is attending college. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the college classes have become bored and difficult to understand this is causing a loss of interest from him. Games have become an escape from reality to him and causing him to skip college classes and procrastinate. until one day something incredible happens to him, that will change his whole life.


Act 1 – The File.

One of your college classes just finished and you seat on the computer to play some video games, you see a shortcut on your computer called “DREAM”

a) You open the file to see what is in it.

b)You delete the file thinking it is a virus

c) You ignore the file and play video games

Option A results in you opening the file and accept all the warnings is the game is giving you.

Option C results in you playing some video games and when you finish playing. you see that file again and open it.

Options A and C will end up with the same result.

Option B results in you forgetting about that file forever and your life continues normally, you drop out of college, work at McDonald’s for the rest of your life, and die in poverty. [bad end]

After you open the file called “DREAM” and you accept the warning that the file is giving you a Fairy get out of your monitor and ask you for your dream.

a) Don’t say anything and leave the room scared.

b) Tell the Fairy that your dream is to create something that will make you be remembered and live a good life,

c) Don’t say anything to the Fairy.

Option A results in you getting back into the room after 1 hour to see if the Fairy was real or you were getting crazy, when you get to the room you see the Fairy and she asks you again, what is your dream? you tell her and you get teleported to a new world.

Option B results in the fairy teleporting you to a new world after you tell her your dream.

Option C results in the Fairy getting inside your mind and discovering what your dream is, then you get teleported to a new world.