This story takes place in the Middle Ages in a kingdom known as Valace, and within the domain of Valace, there is a noble family known as the Windsors family. The Windsor family has been the closest and oldest friend of the Royal Family. The Windsor family has also been the source of the majority military might of the kingdom of valances. Willam Windsor is the next heir into the line of the Nobel Windsor family. According to his family’s noble tradition, for a 16-year-old, he will leave home and go on an adventure for two years. Over right before he left home, he was given two things, the first thing was a magic amulet,t and the second thing was the words: find what strength is. So Willam Windsor goes on an adventure to find that answer.


William Windsor has always been surrounded by people who can be considered strong. However, they were also different from one other that you cannot conclude what strength is. Some types of people are stalwart, have a powerful aura, or very impassion.


The story is all about purpose and emotion. The purpose part is that strength comes from the drive to do or protect something. How you choose to express not perfect in overtime seems that purpose and the most significant impact on purpose are emotion.