"Game On, Python!"

Muhammad Nasar_Dragon

Cris is an eight year-old boy who is suffering from dyslexia, a neurological disorder. He is having trouble recognizing letters,he can hardly read and write. Letters and numbers are written invert and words are commonly misspelled. He can not follow multiple instructions and has poor motor skills. Being different from other normal growing children, he is always thought to be dumb, idiot and lazy. His teachers, classmates, neighbors and even his own family did not realize what he was going through. In the boarding school where he was sent to be disciplined, his self confidence went down. He suffered trauma due to separation from his family. His passion for drawing and painting was totally gone.


Until Malik became an art teacher came to school and was able to recognize his special needs. Cris other teachers thought that he had to be dealt with in a special education program not to be placed in the normal kids class. But, Malik insisted that even a special child has the right to formal and quality education as what the “ EFA”- Education for All Policy  holds. Malik believes that every child has his own capabilities, desires and pace of learning. Malik understood Cris’ mental capacities and innate behavior because he went through the same experience and struggles being dyslexic during his childhood days. As a teacher, he realizes every learner has its own pace of learning with different weaknesses. So, the teacher has to be creative in employing teaching strategies to be able to cater the needs of every learner.


1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    This is good backstory, but I don’t see a real IF story in here yet. Great characters, however, and there’s a lot of potential, depending on what inciting incident comes in and challenges both teacher and student.

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