"Game On, Python!"

Dragon – Nicholas Harley

It is another day like every another day for Damian. He wakes in the morning and follows his typical routine. As Damion was preparing his oatmeal breakfast  his cell phone began to ring in the other room.  Damian answered the phone “Hey, Damian you upgrade the engine on my motorcycle yet the big race is this afternoon” said James. James was one of the city top bike racers and Damian is his trusty mechanic. James was tied for the bike racing grand champion with his long time rival Lance. Damian responded “James don’t ever question me like that again of course did some work on her bike and I Guarantee you blast pass the completion “.  Damian finished getting ready and was off start his day. Damian watered his beloved plants then take his dog, Boxy  out to the backyard to play for until James’ arrival. While Damian was playing catch with Boxy He noticed a spooky green mist sweep into his garage. Damian looked passed the anomaly and continued playing with Boxy.

James recently made it to the Damian’s house as he exited the cab he witness motorcycle drive off with no rider. The bike zipped down the road while a green smoky trail followed in it is path. James rushed to Damian to tell him what he just saw. “Damian what in the world did you do to my bike!” said James. Damian was confused on what the problem was. “Come I’ll run down the improvements with you in the garage.” said Damian. James and Damian enter the garage. “James where is the bike ” asked Damian.  James explained to Damian want he saw upon his arrival. James received an news alert on phone reporting many bikes are at the grand champion events with no riders. James and Damian headed over to the event with urgency. Upon their arrival the sky grow dark and a fog flooded the streets. Damian and James notice all the bikes lined up with ghostly figures mounting them. Damian know that things were getting really weird.



1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Another really fun set-up. It’s not a story yet, however (obviously), because there’s no hint of a beginning-middle-end structure, so you’ll need to think through that for your IF narrative. I have a feeling you’ve got it all in your head already, right? 😉 I assume Damian and James are going to through this together, and you’ve hinted a little at who they are individually and as a team, so that’s something you can/should develop a little more as you work out the rest of the game story. Nice start — I love rider-less motorcycles!

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