"Game On, Python!"

Baldwin- Diana Saprykina

James Balwin says  “children should be prompted and encouraged to ask questions even though that can be challenging for the teacher,”. I agree with him because most of the time kids can not ask a question that they want just because it might be not the topic a teacher is teaching or sometimes teachers make you feel bad for asking a question on certain things that you don’t understand or you just want to know. I remember a situation when a kid in of my classes asked a question and a teacher said “ don’t ask a silly question” I feel like sometimes teachers forget that we are younger and we might not know certain thighs they do and they should make us feel ashamed for the question we ask.  When Balwin says “ the world is larger,” I think he means that they are a lot more we can learn than what they teach us in school. 


I kinda think my curiosity was killed by education because I always thought that schools do not really tell you useful information and do not teach you any good things that are going to prepare you for this life. For example, it doesn’t teach you how to find a job or how to pay bills, how to deal with any paperwork and you can not really ask about this because they do not teach these things at school. It’s something that you have to experience. Honestly, I do not like to ask a question because most of the time, teachers do not react in a nice way and they make me feel silly for aching certain things. So if I want to know something or I am interested in anything, I just google it and it makes everything easier.


I never thought about a computer major. It all happened so spontaneously. My uncle found a job as a QR and he was just telling me about his job every time and i got excited. I thought it something cool. You can actually create something useful for other people to use and they might like it. I think it’s so interesting how it all works and it just good to know because that’s what in demand right now. No one has killed my curiosity yet. So I hope it is going to be always here for me I find it really interesting how people can write something incomprehensible and then it’s going to turn into the world largest and coolest app


1 Comment

  1. Shadman Khan

    A very interesting way of interpreting his quote. I totally didn’t think about it like that wow. I agree with pretty all that you’ve said. The atmosphere in the classroom is often tense and we’ve decreased how much we question things for fear of embarrassment. Teachers should really encourage all types of questions as long as it isn’t completely out of the realm of the subject. I also agree that high school doesn’t really teach you useful things which further adds to your decrease in desire to learn.

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