Since using technology is basically second nature to me, I can’t imagine myself not using technology. In the past where technology wasn’t as big and in depth as it is now, people couldn’t rely on Google or You-tube for the extra help they needed and instead they had to rely on going to the library and reading those big textbooks or books in general for information. But now fast forward into 2020, everything is basically on the internet.  If you get stuck on a math problem and you need extra help, there is You-tube there ready to help you. If you need to find a book and you don’t want to get up and go to a library, boom there are E-books online at your disposal.  Not only that, there are so many ways we can interact with each other now with the use of social media platforms and that enable you to connect to more people around the world with the use of Facebook, Twitter, Slack, Discord and even gaming. Gaming has changed the way we interact with each other because it made it easier to make friends. I’ve made so much friends because of my Xbox because of the different types of games I play, and when you play with the same people everyday, you guys can create a bond and it can even improve your friendship.

My first  experience with technology is a little blurry, but I remember when I first moved into the U.S, it was around the second or third grade, I didn’t really know any English back then and I remember the teachers talking about computers. The only word back then that I understood was the word “yes” and the word “computer”. I understood the word computer because back in Haiti, the word computer was basically pronounced the same as the US. And as soon as I hear her say the word computer, I get really excited, my heart is pounding because before I even started school in the United Sates, my mom would would tell us all about computers, and that I would be able to use them in school. And I remember her making us line up and the other kids around me were as excited as I was. As we were on our way to the computer room, the adventure to go there was extremely fun for me because since I was new to the school, looking at new things and new people just made me really happy and excited for the future. When we finally reached the computer room and went inside, at the moment my eyes glowed up, I got really excited because I never saw so much computers lined up all in one room before.  As soon as the teacher gave the signal to go sit, I quickly went on a computer and started exploring away. The teacher started teaching us a few things, and she introduced us to a new learning program we were going to use. Doing that online learning program with all my friends really made learning fun, and it made me want to come to school. This was only the beginning of my love for technology, and back then I knew in the future, I wanted to become someone who works with computers.

As time goes on, I came to a realization that we didn’t really use text books anymore in schools. Schools would give out laptops or iPads to students and made us use this website called “google classroom”.  Teachers would use different ways of teaching that were better for students including me, and it made learning things far easier than it did in the past. Teachers would make do slides with a partner and we would present them to our fellow classmates and that itself just made the topic easier to understand because we are teaching the students and ourselves at the same time. Another way technology has really changed the education system and the way we learn is the introduction of video calls. Zoom has really impacted the way we learn now because since there is a virus outbreak, we do all of our learning through video calls. If technology haven’t really been in depth as it is now, a lot of students would be either risking their lives going to school or their education would’ve came to a halt.

There were so much things that happened that made me interested in the technology field. One of them is the fact that as time goes on, technology is always improving and improving. But the main thing that made me interested in this specific major (which is computer information systems) was when I went to the apple store. I remember I was going to buy my first pair of air pods, which were the airpod pros, and there was a guy that was explaining some type of game to a large group of people. As I join in, he started talking about how you have to type in specific codes to play the game. Basically there was this cube, and to make the cube move the way you want to, you had to write this specific algorithm to make it work, and that right there just made me fall in love with computer systems. Ever since that day, I’ve always wanted to know how to write specific algorithms to make the computer do things. And thanks to the homework assignments I’ve been doing in other classes, I finally get to experience typing in algorithms using flowchart and python. One of the best feelings to me is trying to figure out how to do that specific task, and it taking you hours and hours and when it finally works, you just feel so accomplished. And since technology is so wide, incase I don’t like this specific major anymore, there are so many other majors that has to do in the technology field and I have so many options to go to incase this one doesn’t workout.

In conclusion, technology is everything to me. Ever since that time I’ve been introduced to technology, it just made life for me worth living. Technology enables me to play with my friends, vibe out and listen to music, watch movies with my family, buy things without me leaving my bed and made learning easier. My dream is to hopefully get really good with some field of technology and work for big companies that helped me get to where I am today. Big companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc. The plan in mind is to never stop trying, because once I do its over.