Personally, I loved Lili’s introduction because she stated what most people felt on the way to college. She did a great job catching the readers attention because after I read those few words, I was instantly hooked and I could relate to those emotions that she stated. Also Lili provided a great example about what she meant when she wondered if academic questions stay or come outside of class. Those examples really made me think back when I thought the same thing. Back then I thought some if not all topics we talked in school stay in school because they always talked about things we generally wouldn’t talk outside of class. But just like Lili, it was in English class when I realize some of these topics can definitely  be talked outside of class.  So since I was able to make that connection, I feel like her overall writing was good because it was relatable.


I liked the way Nick explained the little scenario that happened. As I kept on reading what he wrote, it formed a story in my head that I fully understood and followed and I liked that. This shows that your story wasn’t too complicated and easy to follow, and personally it made it easier for me to pay attention and not get lost in the words. Another thing is I didn’t know deer’s were programed to instantly see dogs as wolfs, even though they never seen wolves, and same for dogs, I never knew dogs were programed to want to chase deer’s even though they never seen one before. To conclude, I  liked how the story taught me something, and I liked how reading the story played smoothly in my head since it was easy to follow along.