Practise 1

How LiLi Velez started her story was so catchy and interesting most importantly as to how it basically talks a lot more about how lives are like once we enter our maturing age and we start taking a lot more responsibilities for our actions. But one thing that she really said that I took from it the most was how she said “when a philosophy professor asks us to examine what is evil and what is good, that’s okay; we’re getting graded on it. But do we ask such questions in the cafeteria? In the dormitory? At home? Who needs to ponder academic questions outside of class?” This really important because sometimes we tend to just participate or do something in class for the purpose of us knowing we get something in return from it like we get graded on but the really interesting thing is, do we actually talk about some stuff that we get asked in class or we just talk about it for the sake of passing the class?


          practice 2

The feedback that was given to Nick was so smoothly and with how the feedback was carried away, I would say it somehow boosted the hopes of Nick because with such positive feedback it will possibly make him feel like he is being spoken to and the idea he gave is being seen and set as a thing that would help him either to work on how he set up his questions and how to phrase and rephrase most of the things he talked about and the comparison he made in the story of his dog staring a Deer and the Deer staring him back too. And also Ron stated and combined a statement Nick made about someone’s story, he said in giving feedbacks you always need to put the sentence or the comments you give in a way that will keep the conversation going or that will make the person receiving the feedback see either the point they gave was trying to portray something or demand action about something.