"Game On, Python!"

Story – Shon Mack Jr

Most, if not all of us have that one fond memory of a gift received in the past. A gift that made you overfilled with joy and happiness and forever grateful, smiling ear to ear. I remember my gift that had me like this, and it would open my eyes to how wonderful technology is as a whole and how it can be a true form of happiness. On the date of December 25, 2005 I was given my first technology gift that I was bugging for. Let me take you back real quick so you can get the feeling I felt. Christmas… a day that every kid, teen, or even adult can’t wait for. The “Season of giving” for many people around the world. Beautiful decorations around the house surrounding the main attraction, that big ole Christmas Tree. Blue, red green, and orange lights wrapped around it, topped off with a bright and beautiful Star at the top, that even as a kid you wish to eventually touch. Surrounding the tree was a bunch of Beautifully wrapped gifts, making you guess what you got and what you didn’t get. You wake up super early because you went to bed early on Christmas Eve in excitement. You run downstairs to be met by your parents who was already up waiting for you to awaken. You say “It’s finally Christmas” and then go over to them and say “Good morning” to proceed and sit on the floor and open gifts. Now for me, this was the first Christmas that I asked for something outside of Toys and Action Figures, I wanted a game system. Around this time, The PS2 Slim was released probably a year or 2 before, but it didn’t matter because this was an updated version. I went through all of my gifts and received a ton of toys, Wrestlers, Superheroes, Race cars, but no PS2. As a kid I was a little disappointed, but the happiness was too much so I didn’t care. Just as I thought the gift opening was over, my Grandpa and Grandma went into the room and grabbed a final gift. I leaped up with my little brother and we both attacked that Gift wrapping like a flock of crows attacking a corpse in the dessert. As soon as I seen ” Playstation” I knew what it was. My brother and I both got hyped, running to our grandparents to overload them with hugs and kisses. We unboxed the system and my grandpa helped us connect it to the box TV in the kitchen that they brought just for us. The first two games that we played was Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 (Which soon became my favorite Anime, and game of all time) and WWE. This moment was so special to me because it was my brothers and I first real personal game system that we loved. We spent hours playing that system and soon enough buying more games of different categories. Playing the PS2 soon enough opened up my love for gaming in general and the more I grew up around games, the more I wanted to know about how it was made. To this day, I still play games and enjoy it. When the day is ruff or I feel stressed, I play the game with some music and get lost for some time and I’m good. But this is my first time that I can remember around technology and this explains my love for it. No lie this wholeee story brought up past memories and nostalgia, but I enjoy it tbh.



  1. Giancarlo Forero

    Wow, this story was so fun to read, and the amount of care and detail you used really added to my enjoyment throughout reading this. I suppose I also enjoyed this story because of how nostaglic it also made me feel. My first video game consel was my dad PS2 (ironically the slim one as well) and playing it with him really changed my life, we grew closer to gether and it helped grow my interest in the world of technology. This was a thrill to read, I honestly want to look for my old Playstation 2 and see if I can boot up Kingdome hearts again. Do you think video games can hold more value then a toy (for children of course), or do you think its better to allow the kid to first explore everything outside of the digital world.

    • Shon Mack Jr

      I appreciate this comment bro no lie, it took me some time to write about that. Some great memories are aligned with gaming and I’m glad another person shared the experience with me

  2. Marc Polidor

    I really enjoyed reading this story because as I was reading, it really takes me back to the days when I was receiving technology gifts on Christmas day. I remember when I was around the 4th grade, I kept asking my mom for a 3DS. I remembered seeing my friends playing with one, and I really wanted one for myself so I can play with them. On Christmas day, I opened every present and saw everything but the 3DS. I was pretty disappointed inside until my mom told me go check under your bed. I quickly sprinted into my room and saw it. I opened that gift in 2.5 seconds and saw the 3DS I was waiting on all along. After I opened it, I gave my mom the biggest and longest hug and told her thank-you about 20 times. Reading your story really makes me smile because it brings back all the happy memories I had that day.

    • Shon Mack Jr

      Bro parents always play with our feelings on Christmas, Its their sick addiction lol

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