"Game On, Python!"

Story- Diana Saprykina

My first memory of technology is when I was ten or eleven. I think it was when I got my first phone, but it wasn’t iPhone or Samsung, it was one of those old phones when you did not have touch screen such as Nokia, and I remember I hated that phone and I always wanted a good phone, but my dad was so stubborn. He is one of those people that say you need a phone only for phone calls. I was asking him to buy me a better phone for so long. So one day, I got really mad. When I went for a walk, I just threw that phone away, and when I got back home, I said I lost it. When I did it. I thought he is going to buy me a new phone, but I was wrong. He found me a job so I can work and make money and buy the phone I wanted. I was mad, but now I understand why he did it, and I am thankful. Now I know if I want something, I should work for it and rely only on myself.

My major is a computer system and honestly, I never thought that’s where I am going to end up. A few years ago, my uncle took IT courses in California, and he found a good job. He told me many different things about his job and I got excited. I think it’s very interesting. So, the main reason why I choose this field is that i can work from home, or I can travel and work. I never wanted to have an office job because it’s boring. You can have a flexible schedule. For now, I work in a medical office from 9-7. That is why I understand that’s not what I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to be able to work from anywhere and get paid. I think freelance in the best job you can have it and you have higher chances to get something like that in this field.

1 Comment

  1. Shadman Khan

    It’s crazy this story is very similar to my life experiences as well. My first phone was a nokia that was good for nothing but calling but I still remembering feeling like it was the coolest thing in the world. I found it funny because reading your story unlocked a memory of my parents saying the same thing as you. They also mentioned that a phone was only necessary for making phone calls, and higher grade phone was not a smart buy. I also remember getting very mad at my parents for leaving me with an older version of a phone while everyone was getting the newer models. Also I’m pursuing this field for the same reasons as you so that’s kinda nice!

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