My first technology experience is a little blurry, but I remember when I first moved into the U.S, it was around the second or third grade. I didn’t really know any English back then, and I remember the teachers talking about computers. The only word I understood her say was the word computer. And I remember her making us line up and the kids were really excited for some reason. I was wondering where we were going, and when we finally got to the room, all I saw was apple computers.  At the moment my eyes glowed up, I got really excited because I never saw such amazing tech all in one room before and I wasted no time. I quickly went on a computer and started exploring away. The teacher started teaching us how to use it, and at that moment I knew I wanted to work with computers in the future. When I got home, I asked my mom to buy us a laptop and when I finally got it I never got off of it. Everything that I know about computers now, I taught myself most of it, and it was actually pretty fun.