My first experience with technology was when my cousins were using their new laptops for homework. I was at my grandma’s apartment that day and I remember seeing both of them using the new laptops that they got for Christmas. I was about four years old and although we had a desktop at home, I never saw someone using a laptop to its full extent. I was in awe, they were able to do homework, use social media and websites that I’ve never seen before, and they could do so much more wherever they wanted in the world. I don’t remember being into technology at that age, but I did idolize my cousins, so when I saw them using their computers, I immediately became enamored with the digital world. Although they wouldn’t share with me because I was too young, that only made me more curious to know more about computers. It was that moment that sparked my obsession with everything digital, I got into the internet, video games, computers and so much more. That one moment defined the majority of my life and ultimately led me to pick my major as a Computer Systems major. Now I can study my passion in pursuit of my dream to flex my creative muscles In the world of computers, all because of that one experience with a laptop.