From what I have seen so far, the main ingredients for digital literacy narrative is to have access to any online platforms that you would feel so comfortable working your way with it. And with this, you can generally use any devices or sources that would help you with sending emails, giving you information, and most importantly giving you a platform that would help you generate any environment to help you go back and forth with people that are surrounded online. Basically, you need a place where you would be thought and allowed yourself to generate your ideas on how to start and work your way around a digital surrounded environment. Like Katherine Barth illustrate in her narrative essay “Today it seems nearly impossible to function socially in the 21st century without some medium of literacy assaulting our senses”.

With the point she made in her narrative, I feel like we are being provided with so much various information that is socially doing a lot of damages to our lives. We cannot live a peaceful life without being interrupted with the idea of someone trying to do something or trying toestablish something that might somewhat hurt how we spend our time on our platforms an interact with each other. With all this, we know the best way to express or start our DLN is through social media platforms since with that we will find some interesting pieces of stuff to help better us in terms of how to work our wats around the digital world we live in right now. Even though some of our parents did not allow us to work our way with the computers in order to better our understanding about this whole digital literacy ideas they instead see it as a source where it would corrupt the young upcoming people due to certain stuffs they believed was or would be a bad influence to us during our young age. I supposedly kinda agree with the statement and the idea our parents was giving to us at our young ages, I wouldn’t agree less with what Jennifer Compbell said in her digital literacy writing “However, even with such a great advantage as technology through a digital literacy means posed, sometimes it can be overused and the previous print ornon-digital? methods forgotten” Sometimes our literacy world or technologht can pose a bad influence on us too so with what she was saying about it having a bad influence on our living and our thinking she was precisely right on that.