"Game On, Python!"

DLN _Muhammad Nasar

From what I have seen so far, the main ingredients for a digital literacy narratives is to have online technology such as phone, tablet and computer etc. Knowing technology it’s very important part of our life because it’s involve many features which has become vital teaching tools for us. Technology has several advantages like it helps the student to become individual learner and responsible. ” Throughout my life technology has benefited me with organizing my tasks as well as keeping me in contact with long distance family and friends” (Sarah Hutchinson). I believe that technology has been very supportive for all of us. As we progress we used many different type of technology such as kahoot, discord and Microsoft word etc.  However, technology has some disadvantage too for example distraction. Based on that I want to mention another quote is “Although I now feel as though I can’t escape and ‘turn off’ the world of communication, this wasn’t always so.” I believe that we are making our self lazy because of our mindset we think video games and phone is our body function which is not true. However,  phone and games are making us inactive and not lets us refresh our mind and put our mind somewhere which benefit us instead games.

A place to get started with my own DLN is social communication because it’s a type of platform that helped many people around the world to connect with each other. Social communication is basically the fastest way to get in touch with everything and your work.  I was growing up in the world where technology is very efficient to work. Also, it is consistent to work with because it gives us the idea of how the work can be done.

I have some questions about DLN essay which are how long the essay will going to be? When we are starting it? Do we need quotes on that or we have to research?

1 Comment

  1. Ria Arora

    I agree, technology is a distraction too! I should have mentioned that in my post! 😉
    Also, I think it is going to be a 1000 words essay.

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