In this article ” Navigating The Perfect Storm”. The author Ellen C. Carillo, worried that this society is creating a type of student who only read for works. Otherwise, it means these students reading not because they want to understand the text. They read just because to do their works. I strongly agree with what Carillo worried about. On myself, sometimes I read the text just for my homework, that I need to use the text.  Then, I will forget all the information I had from the text after my “work” is done. I think compare to this situation. When students read for understanding, for learning. There is more information, the knowledge they will absorb from the text. Like a computer, the computer only knows what the people tell them. They would not try to understand what is the meaning behind people’s words.  However, students right now are “transform” into “computers”, ” learning machines”.  This is terrible because we are young and we should think and even thinking more. But the situation right now, we are losing the ability of thinking and understanding while when we are reading. As changing into a bunch of thoughtless “programs”.

Second, in this high-tech informatization era, lots of information came from the internet. What Carillo talks about Google-knowledge vs. understanding and is it good or not.  We have to admit that the high-tech informatization era does bring us knowledge.  It’s very simple, what we want to know just go search on Google, Wikipedia, Bing, and other search engines. However, when we searching for answers, do we really go thinking about how this working? Also, is this trustful the information brings us is correct or it just made up everything. Like Carillo mentioned in the article that, ” The executive summary explains that “more than 80 percent of the middle-schoolers believed that the native advertisement, identified by the words ‘sponsored content,’ was a real news story.”[p143] She is right, Google-knowledge lets us knows better and better. But if we don’t understand what we know, we might just be stuck in the fakeness of the internet and forget there’s a true world outside.

I believe, enlightenment education is really important to the younger generation. When people are young, they don’t really have the ability to judge what is right or wrong, they just keep accepting the information from outside. So, elders should tell younger the right things they know, and youngers have to take it. Like Carrilo said in the article,” We normally acknowledge, however grudgingly, that writing must be taught and continue to be taught from high school to college and perhaps beyond.”[p143] However, it doesn’t mean that we have to accept all. When I was in middle school, I already had a habit, no matter what people teach me, I always find a way to prove it. If its something like a math problem, I will do some other question but the same type, to prove this algorithm actually works. If its issues from life, I will do the same thing on another day by using the way that people teach me, if that work then I will take that. Otherwise, I will still keep my own way. I think this is a very important habit that we all should have. Humbly accept the right conclusion, ignore the fakeness and try to prove them by yourself.