"Game On, Python!"

Intro 1 – Mohammad Mahee

Hi, my name is Mohammad. My feeling about the online course is mixed, it can get a bit overwhelming since its all online and can get really confusing. Mainly, because remotely learning can be difficult when you can’t find the information you need in order to do your work. And, for me its hard doing remotely learning, since I can’t focus a lot at home compared to if I was in class, I do better in that environment.  And, overall, I am a bit concerned about how I will manage my time since I will be working too during my semester, and need to figure out a schedule.

Playing video games has been a way for me to zone out sometimes when I feel overwhelmed. This image is from a survival game called Rust, I have spent many hours through outthe year playing this. It can be addicting when you got nothing to do but very competing since its an online game. And, during the pandemic, being home all day was not fun, since I enjoy going out more than staying home. So, I started playing this game more often and gained new friendships with people from different parts of the world. It’s fun to play with others that you can get along with and just gives good vibes while playing.

And, the name Mohammad came from our Prophet, which my parents decided to name me. But my other name Mahee, was famous when I was in High School. Many people found out that there’s fish that sounds exactly the same as Mahee, and the fish is called Mahi fish.  And, many of my friends were calling me fish rather than using my actual name and everyone started to know me by that name than my real name xD.’

By the way, that’s a Mahi Fish.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Ha! Mahi is a wonderful fish, so no problems there :-). And yes it does take some getting used to when you’re working completely online. I hope you check out some other people’s posts and say hi — a lot of them have the very same worries you do and it’s nice to be able to share those worries with each other.

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