"Game On, Python!"

Intro 1- Edgar Garcia

Hello my name is Edgar Garcia a word that describes how I am feeling about this class is optimistic because I am looking forward to learning new things and challenging myself.

I am a bit nervous however about beginning college completely online and i feel it will be challenging at times not being able to meet my professors or classmates in person. However online classes do have their advantages as I am able to get much more done throughout my day since I do not have to commute on a daily basis to school. Overall I hope to learn a lot this semester and I hope this semester furthers my interest in computers.


Nature is something I have always been fascinated by and I enjoy spending time outdoors as much as i can but it can be difficult since we live in New York City. Nature means a lot to me because it can provide a break from life in a big city. I find nature relaxing and amazing,

My father named me Edgar and I used to dislike my name but after a while I did like the name. The fact that my father named me this means a lot to me and I am proud because of it because I look up to him an I strive to be as hardworking and dedicated as him.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Sometimes it’s hard having a parent’s name, but it’s so nice when it becomes a matter of pride. BTW I’m with you about nature — your picture made me smile and cry at the same time. I’m really happiest in the mountains, so thank you for that! Check out some other people’s posts and see if you might want to say hi to them.

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