Here’s the whole assignment for the Carillo reading/response, including how to title and publish your post.

READ: p.135-153 of Carillo “Navigating This Perfect Storm:

You’re only reading part of this longer piece which is really meant for faculty, but the first pages talk about education and our “post-truth” world. She says that we’re teaching students to look only at the content and not at who wrote something or why it was written or even how it was written, and that can be dangerous. It’s not an easy piece, so to help you make sense of it do this: Please take out a piece of paper and a pen (or pencil) and have it beside you as you read.  Just write down whatever stands out to you from the text– jot down a few key words.  Doodle! Write a summary. Write a question. There are no right or wrong answers here.

WRITE:  Create a new Discussion post of at least 300 words discussing the following questions. You can also post the picture of your notes from the reading in this same post:

  • In his article, Ellen Carillo worries that we’re creating students who don’t know why something was written and therefore they don’t care why it was written or why they’re even reading it. Is she right about that? How has your education influenced that – have you ever had to read not just for meaning but for context? What difference did it make or do you think it would make?
  • She talks about Google-knowledge vs. understanding and talks about a study that shows reading online makes us better at one than at the other, and that’s not good. Is she right? Why?
  • The section from p.146-153 talks about ways to help students be better readers. What experiences have you had with any of those tools – good, bad, or otherwise? What would you suggest?
  • Title it “Common Core – your name” and use the Category Unit 1 (you can also scroll down to Tags and add “Common Core”