"Game On, Python!"

Intro 1 – Shadman

Hello my name is Shadman. I am an 18 year old male and I reside in Queens.Ā  This course and college has me feeling many different emotions, the most prevalent one being stressed.Ā  I’m worried about the transition to online learning, and questioning the effects it may have on my education. I haven’t experienced a drop in quality of learning but when it comes to something as important as college I don’t want to take the chance. Obviously I will have to but I’m sure I’ll be fine, especially because I am in a learning community. At first I wasn’t too sure about the learning community but now I can see that it will have many benefits for all of us. It’sĀ  giving us an opportunity to interact with students who will be following a similar path as us for the time being. Another worry about online learning I have is all the possible technological difficulties and room for error. Already I have not received emails from professors that I should’ve which has caused issues in joining classes and etc. However I’m sure all will be fine since I have notified the teachers of my issues.

This is a picture of a march in the borough of queens but to me it has much more significance. When I look at this picture I see a community so enriched with diversity. I see a true melting pot. A community like the one in this image is where I’ve grown up and it has taught me much. I will forever be thankful.

The name Shadman is an Islamic one. It was given to me by mother and means happy. I was never particularly fond of my name. Once I first started school I realized that it was harder to pronounce then the typical name and it had the word man at the end of it, so kids told me that it sounded like a super hero name. I’ve grown to like it

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Superhero! I love it that the kids helped you see your name in a different way. That’s a great image of Queens, by the way. It is indeed quite the “melting pot” borough. And as for the tech, well, we’re all going to have problems at some point, so just stay connected as best you can, both tech and with other people — the Learning Community should certainly help with that.

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