"Game On, Python!"

Karen’s Intro

My name is Karen Hermita; I am 18 years old. I’m from Queens; my parents are from Mexico. I am majoring in Computer systems technology. One word that I can describe in this course is “adjusting.” I have been in an all-girls school since 6th grade; coming back into a co-ed makes me nervous and excited at the same time. One thing I am worried about being an online student is missing an assignment I have to do or information needing to know. I am also a very social person but classes being online makes it a little harder for me.

His name is Panchito. I’ve been taking care of him since he was three months. I always say he is a mini version of me. He likes to go for a walk as long as he is in my arms. He lets me cuddle him. He is willing to do anything as long as he is by my side. I am a dog fan and more with the “chow chow.” But Panchito makes and exception.

My mother gave me my name. I wouldn’t say people treat me differently because of my name. They send me memes related to my name, but I don’t mind them. In the beginning, I wished my name to be Caroline. But now I love it; it’s rare to meet a person named Karen. Not someone defined as Karen.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    I love your kitty! It’s so great to have someone to snuggle with these days. And yes, I’m sorry you’re having to suffer through the whole “Karen” thing; I had a good friend when I was much younger named Karen, and she was a lovely person. So this is a case where a name definitely can define someone! Argh!!!

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