"Game On, Python!"

Time Capsule

Future Self, I hope your first semester went as planned. I hope my goals of improving as a overall writer became true. To be honest, you better had got thru semester one just as I am planning in my head right now – Smooth. Even if that’s not the case because sometimes things don’t go as planned, I want you to keep your head up high and be proud with your first accomplishment as a college freshman. You most definitely made me proud and I know for a fact you never second thought yourself and the thought of quitting never crossed your mind. We didn’t buss our behinds our whole life to get here and then quit because in this household, we not quitters. I know you may have struggled with taking your first year of college online because you are still adjusting, but that’s what we were taught to do…. Adjust to new situations that may be tough or uncomfortable. Knowing myself, I just hope that I didn’t get lazy because lets be honest, the vibe of working at home and school is wayyyy more different then imagined. But like I said earlier, Shon you got this in the bag my boy. Now writing in general is a great thing to have in your arsenal. It can be beneficial to all my other classes because the way that you write reflects the type of person you are. Also, people tend to judge your intelligence based on how you write. Not only does it help with classes but it can be the reason that I land a very important or huge job with a highly written resume or cover letter. Above is a very important video that I hope reflects my growth this semester. Just like a tree, I hope I do grow as a student and a writer. I hope to improve everyday until I am comfortable with myself and even at that time I hope I can still improve. I want to be better than I was yesterday every single day. I want my overall growth to grow just like that tree in the video.

1 Comment

  1. Ria Arora

    This is so inspiring! We will get through everything surely! 🙂

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