"Game On, Python!"


Hi, my name is Emmanuel Adu TuTu Jr and I am 18 years old African American( Recently relocated from Ghana). The one word I would use to describe this course is “Nervous”, usually when I get introduced into a new environment I tend to find it difficult to cope up with my surroundings plus I am new to this whole thing and I am nervous about how I am gonna do when this class starts. What I am worried about the most is the fact that our classes will be conducted online ( My last one did not go as I wanted it to lol). The question I mostly ask myself is “ What if while online I get distracted by sum on the internet”, with this course being online will initially give me a hard time in my upcoming semester.

Playing video games means the most to me because, whenever something makes me feel lonely I just hop on the game and tend to forget about what is going on right now in my surrounding, as fair as video game means a lot to me, I don’t usually play unless I am free. ( I am only good at FIFA).

As I previously mentioned, my name is Emmanuel Adu TuTu Jr copied the name from my pops, my last name is our family name and tbh I don’t know any history behind that lol. Mostly a lot of people find it difficult to pronounce my last name so I genuinely go by either Emmanuel or Junior or the both combined, you can call me by my last name if only you can pronounce it without an issue, lol I am playing.

But that’s the end of intro 1. And I am looking forward to starting this class, see ya. 


  1. Xuefeng Zheng

    I’m nervous too. I have no idea how all of these works. Every professor use they own way. And when everything mixed up. That really confused me. Damn, this year is worst year to start the college.

  2. Jacquelyn Blain

    Ha! I love your sense of humor — only good at FIFA, seriously? And I think pretty much everybody is nervous, so go see who likes the same kinds of games you do and help each other out a bit. And I like your name! I’ve also had a few students from Ghana, so it’s nice to meet another one.

  3. Shadman Khan

    What’s up man my name is Shad. I find myself feeling the same as you do. All of this online stuff is complicated and it’s just to easy to make errors. I’m nervous as well. I think it’s great that we’re in this class since everyone in here has at least 2 of the same other classes. I hope we can help each other out and become friends

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