Okay, I’ll start. The one word I have is “nervous” as always. I’m never sure how an online class is going to go, and this is the first time I’ve used OpenLab fully for a class since we went virtual. So, yeah. What am I concerned about? That people might not be able to find stuff! Help!!!

My name — I was named after my two grandmothers, Mysie Jackie and Donna Mae. My mother almost named me Mysie Mae, but fortunately the nurse and my father talked her out of it. I kind of hate my name, mostly because it’s not mine, really. There are my grandmothers, and my father’s last name (which is Shires) and my ex-husband’s last name (which is Blain)… so where am I in all that? If I could think of a better name, I’d change it, but I’m terrible at that.

And I do like games — the text-based adventure kind, like The Last of Us and Kentucky Route Zero (which is one weird indie game and where the image is from). More about that as the term goes by!