Class notes

My sincerest apologies, for the delay in posting these notes classmates, but here are the class notes from 10/06:

To begin with:  !!REMINDERS!!
• 5 Minute presentations on Social  Media Platforms
• be sure to choose a specific part to embellish upon
• write abstracts for presentation and reflections on your experience with using Prezi  software 
• remember to re-read the ‘how social media is changing politics’ article along with the chapters from Understanding Digital Literacies Textbook ( Hafner and Jones)
• also if you haven’t done so yet tag all past posts and comment on classmate individual blog posts.

The Buzz Blog/Bloggers advice for blogging

  • create a connection between what is seen and what is written
  • edit to enhance and embellish, to attract an audience
  • ask yourself what is really important about the post?
  • try to create a narrative

Brianna Vasquez

  • create a content strategy
  • work through person and mental challenges
  • be a part of the audience feedback

Mandy Mei

  • Bridge between what you are writing and what you want to introduce to post
  • understand physicality
  • promote yourself