Category Archives: glossary



Part of Speech:Ā Noun

Definition:Ā An artistic work, especially one on a large scale

Source:Ā Oxford Ductuonaries

Found in:Ā ā€Lady Lazarusā€ by Sylvia Plath, stanza 23: ā€œI am your opus / I am your valuable, / The pure gold baby

The definition of the word opus helps me understand this stanza a little bit better. However, I am not sure that she is referencing her self to the composition of music or to her being a piece of art. I Would like to say that she is referencing herself to a piece of art saying thatā€™s the reason as to why she is so valuable.






Part of speech: Verb

Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Definition: To gaze stupidly or in open-mouthed surprise or wonder

Found in Line 6-8of Franny Choi,”Field Trip to the Museum of Human History” – “From the canyon? we shuffled in the dim light// and gaped at the secrets buried in clay, reborn as warning signs:”

The definition of the word gaped helped me understand what was being said in lines 6-8. In my opinion, I believed they were shocked with their findings.



Part of Speech: noun

Definition: any sticky, greasy, or slimy substance

Source: Collins Dictionary

Found in Choi Jeong Min by Franny Choi, line 5

I chose to look up this word to help both my classmates and myself to understand the poem better


Part of Speech- Noun

Definition:Ā another way or term for hamerkop; a brown African marshbird related to the storks, which has a crest that looks like a backward projection of the head, and constructs an enormous nest.


Found in Choi Jeong Min by Franny Choi

This particular word had me confuse while reading the poem because, at first I though it was referring to the striking part of an hammer, then i thought of hammerhead shark. So I had to look it up to see exactly which meaning of the word fits best for what the poet was trying to say.Ā  I figure hammerhead or hamerkop was just a metaphor for who ever was calling her name, since an hamerkop has a long bird beak.



Part of Speech- Noun


Definition:Ā  the act or process of reclaiming

Found in spoken word poem Hair by Elizabeth Acevedo

The definition of the word reclamation, helped me get a clearer more understanding of that specific sentence in the poem.Ā  Acevedo’s message is don’t try to fix something that isn’t broken. She speaking to everyone whether u are Latina, black or what ever race, don’t ever listen to what someone else has to say and that you don’t have to change anything about yourself or appearance.



Part of Speech: noun

Definition: a rhythmic sequence or flow of sounds in language

Source: Merriam Webster Dictionary

Found In: “Not a Mile” by Andrew Grace line 22

I looked up the word Cadence because of curiosity of its meaning. knowing its definition helped the poem be more understanding to me



Part Of Speech: Verb

Definition: to secure tightly, to bind.

Source: Merriam Webster Dictionary

Found in: “hair” by Elizabeth Acevedo


Part Of Speech: Noun

Definition: an assemblage of members (such as beams) forming a rigid framework

Source: Merriam Webster Dictionary

Found in: “hair” by Elizabeth Acevedo

I chose this word because it can be used in two different contexts.






Part of Speech : Noun

Definition: Excess eating or Drinking

Source: Merriam Webster Dictionary

Found In: ” Choi Jeong Min” line 35

I chose the word Gluttony because i was not sure of the meaning.




Part of speech : Verb

Definition: to burn sluggishly, without flame, and often with much smoke. another meaning is to show suppressed anger, hate, or jealousy

Source: Merriam Webster Dictionary

Found In “Choi Jeong Min” line 13

I looked up the word smothering because of the way it was used in the line.Ā  in the poem it seems like it was used to describe a feeling.



Part of speech: Noun

Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Definition: The act or process of reclaiming something

Found in spoken word poem “Hair” by Elizabeth Acevedo : ” Hair, a reclamation

The definition of the word reclamation helped me understand what was trying to be said. In the lines, after “Hair, a reclamation” it states : ” how I will break pride down their back, so from the moment they leave out the womb they will be born in love with themselves.” In other words, their hair shouldn’t define who they are. They shouldn’t have to change it to satisfy anyone but there own selves. To stop living up to others peoples changes and embrace yourself.