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Timothy Rampersaud: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

After reading both articles, what I find most fascinating was how dependent soldiers were on coffee. Coffee fueled them to fight these wars and most times it was given to them right before a battle or after the battle occurred. … Continue reading

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Food and Coffee in the Civil War

Soldiers are the hero in everybody’s mind because they had gone through the hardship of battle and devoted their whole life to bring the freedom to the people and country. After I read the article, I found the fascinating about … Continue reading

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g singh: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

What I found fascinating about the articles was that soldiers at that time of war were dependent on coffee. They would drink it before and after marches, during their patrol and during battle. It seemed that from a soldier’s diet … Continue reading

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Alfonso Gonzalez: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

The civil war was an egregious time for both sides of the war as there were many casualties and constant warfare. Although the diet of coffee and hard tack was especially interesting as it allowed the union soldiers to stay … Continue reading

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Louis Tejada – Food and Coffee in the Civil War

After reading both articles, what I found fascinating about a Civil War soldier’s diet was that the Union soldiers were fed pork or beef which was usually salted and boiled to extend the shelf life. Also, they were given coffee, … Continue reading

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Wen Yong Huang- Food and Coffee in the Civil War

Soldiers are the courageous heroes who brought peace to a country. In the life of the battle, they had experienced many physical and spiritual challenges which many of us had not gone through. Hence, these kind of challenges may decreased … Continue reading

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Kimberly Vargas: Who takes selfies?

After analyzing all the data and information gathered from the website selfiecity, I came to the conclusion that women take more selfies than men. Majority of the selfies taken also display happiness and content rather than gloominess. It surprised me, however, … Continue reading

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homework#1- who takes selfies?

Selfiecity is a website dedicated in collecting and investigating the style of self portraits in five cities across the world; bangkok, Berlin, Mascow, new york and sao paulo. based on the data shown, bangkok have the youngest age profile out … Continue reading

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Hw #1

After exploring through selfiecity, what actually interested me was not the age,gender, or the facial expression that different people made while taking a selfie, maybe a little but not much. However what actually interested me was the way how their … Continue reading

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A selfie is a self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a digital camera and smart phone held in the hand or supported by a selfie stick. Selfies are often shared on social networking services such as Facebook, snapchat, and Instagram. After … Continue reading

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