Selfiecity is a website dedicated in collecting and investigating the style of self portraits in five cities across the world; bangkok, Berlin, Mascow, new york and sao paulo. based on the data shown, bangkok have the youngest age profile out of the other 4 cities. mascow have the most percentage(82.0%) of females taking selfies. sao paulo and bangkok have greater smile distributions then other cities and there are more of female smiles. on average mascow has the least distribution of smiles. people don’t tend to take as much selfies as i thought, only 4% of images were selfies. what i found interesting is when looking at the videos of the selfies, the eyes of each selfie is positioned in the same place.
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Professor Sandra Cheng
Office: Namm 602B
Office Hours: Tu/Th 9-10 am or
by appointment
Office Tel: 718-260-5003
Email: scheng@citytech.cuny.eduNew York Times Arts
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