Category Archives: Discussion Topics

Aerial Photography

It is very interesting to see how different something can look when seen from a different perspective. Perspective can give a whole new meaning to an image. When taken from above, pictures can show very rare, but at the same … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Tim Hetherington and Modern-day War Photography

This week the Yossi Milo Gallery in Chelsea will open an exhibition on photographs by Tim Hetherington, a photojournalist who died last year while covering the conflict in Libya. He was famous for his coverage of American soldiers in Afghanistan … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Walker Evans’ Subway Portraits

Evans’ photographed people on the New York City subways between 1938-1941.  He only published these photographs 25 years later in his book, Many Are Called, which was re-issued in 2004.  Read a review about the new edition in the New York Times or listen to … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Photography and Early Film

In 1902, Georges Méliès released the first science fiction film, A Trip to the Moon (Le voyage dans la lune). The filmmaker spared no expense for special effects.  Review the approximately 11-minute long film and consider the following questions.  Do any aspects … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Photography, Tumblr, and Copyright

Photo District News recently published an article “Why Photographers Love Tumblr.” What do you think of the open access to photographers’ images? Do you find the issue of copyright troubling? What are the implications for other social media sites like … Continue reading

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No longer a viewer but automatically a photographer.

From reading, art critic Roberta Smith opinion on the increasingly common use of cameras, I have to say that I completely understand her position and opinion. In fact from reading her perspective of camera use in the New York Times, it’s hard to say that people are … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Old Processes, New Advertising

Many photographers today are reviving the photographic processes of the Civil War era. A California news article reports on several photographers in San Francisco who are producing photographs with the wet-plate process. Even Louis Vuitton highlights wet-plate photography in his … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Pictures of Pictures

In a New York Times article, the art critic Roberta Smith notes the increasingly common use of cameras, especially cellphones by viewers when interacting with art. In particular, she discusses the behavior of visitors to the Venice Biennale, an exhibition … Continue reading

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