Author Archives: kathrynli

H&M Advertisements

The H&M clothing company has recently put up an ad for their new season’s bikinis.  The model was an extremely tanned woman.  Some of the public related this to the New Jersey mother who constantly tanned.  From what I think, … Continue reading

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Bringing back instant films

During this course, we have discussed how photography came to be, and it seems that photography is extremely advanced now. Some may argue that it is too advanced. With all the new technology, photographs may be altered into completely different … Continue reading

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Cute Photography

Jason Lee’s mother is diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, so he was not able to bring his daughters to visit her, as they were often sick as well.  Originally a wedding photographer, he started to take photographs of his daughters so … Continue reading

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NoH8 Campaign

Photography is extremely useful when it comes to advertisement and campaigning.  An example may be the NoH8 Campaign.  It’s object is to protest against California Proposition 8.  The purpose of the campaign is to support same-sex marriage and relationships.  This … Continue reading

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China: Up Close, Personal, In Flux

In this article, Rian Dundon captures photographs of Chinese residents in their everyday lives.  I can relate to this article because I am Chinese as well.  As was mentioned in the article, China seems to be growing rapidly everyday, just … Continue reading

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