Hasselblad Camera in Space

The Hasselblad camera was made very popular during the Apollo Space Programs when man landed on the moon. Even though it is not commonly seen nowadays, it is still being used by most professional and very serious amateur photographers. NASA chose to use it for their Apollo space program due to the long life span of service and the quality of their lenses, as well as the dynamic nature of their lenses and magazines.

I got the chance to use a Hasselblad camera (with Digital Back which enables connection to computer for digital image processing) for the first time in my life whiles working at Sony Music. I can say from this experience that, the camera is very powerful and produces better quality than most new camera brands of today.

Below is a link to explorer more pictures on Aerial Pictures taken with the Hasselblad by Astronauts.

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3 Responses to Hasselblad Camera in Space

  1. Now THIS is the kind of information I was looking for in the space station astronaut photography article I posted!

    The Hasselblad camera information provided on the webpage is what makes astronaut photography more interesting than it already is. Even the smallest detail is important–down to the camera’s ability to withstand sudden temperature changes (from sunlight to shadow). The background of the camera’s development provides more appreciation for the photos that are taken by the astronauts.

    Thanks for this post.

  2. superartist says:

    The hasselblad is such a unique camera because of the advantage of capturing photo graphs in any environment . I think that it’s so awesome and unique at the fact that this camera can be able to capture photographs through changing of light and temperature it’s very unique. I also think its very interesting that the people using this camera still use and find it surprising better than these new up to date cameras. I still can’t believe that these people still use this camera that was used many years ago this camera has a very good aperture , very good ISO and has many different unique functions that were awesome to read about .

  3. superartist says:

    This post above is my post!

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