In this article interestingly enough cameras are used to capture images under the this goes to show photography is being used in many ways…The Catlin Sea view Survey “the SUVII” camera is used in ocean snapping 360-degree photos every four to six seconds…images of beautiful fishes and treasures deep within the sea…its main objective in viewing these photos is to have an understanding of how climate change might affect ocean ecosystems such as the Great Barrier Reef… Google is even offering to post panoramic images on their search engine Google Earth Maps for all viewers to witness all the pictures that is taken…this is another way of capturing the true art of photography and showing the world that pictures do last forever in ones mind…
Thanks for posting/sharing this! It’s odd how organic-looking the camera is, but probably makes sense for the tasks it needs to complete. I think it’s pretty cool Google plans to offer public access to the images. Though with the rate Google is growing and expanding into all forms of digital documentation, one hopes it doesn’t turn into some frightful monopoly.