Kaylah Bilal HW#1

Social media in hospitality has open the industry up to an increasing amount of people around the world, creating more jobs, spreading new ideas, and making a difference on how the world views the world. I think social media and hospitality pairs really well together and has adapted the industry to through technology. Technology is a growing feature in this era. For hospitality to be able to keep up with the new trends keeps the industry alive. I occasionally would post pictures of food/beverages because I want to share my experience at a specific place with others. The feeling when others would do the same is nice because it gives me a personal insight on a particular item or create awareness about a product I would probably never even heard about. I started doing this thing where if I was going to a new establishment, I would search up the menu, to view exactly what to expect. Social media has made this step easier and truthful. I know many have experienced going to a place where they would have set images of what certain meals would look like and once they order and receive their meal, the actual dish wouldn’t match up to that set image, which is truly upsetting at times. As majority establishments in the previous articles have spoken about, social media is a great way to advertise, and for free I might add. At the end of the day social media benefits both consumers and businesses.