Monthly Archives: March 2015

RRE 4 In Plato’s Claves Marielos Osorio

In our times, taking pictures has become so accessible. This is why the meaning of photography is now hard to achieve and its lost. We live in a time that has been set up by the lenses of other photographers and this gives us the fails sense of knowledge. We think we know our world when it’s is the opposite. We truly know it through others people’s cameras, not through our own. We need to start creating our own perspective and stop being ignorant about what is out there.

RR4-Susan Sontag and Plato’s Cave

the allegory of plato’s cave to me means that we as humans need to look at reality instead of looking at images. images do not always depict what is really there. they can be distorted as well as enhanced to look better that what was actually there in reality. we as photographers use lighting shadow and different levels of contrast to help us enhance our images to our own liking rather than whats there in reality.

RR3: Vanitas – Wilbert Perez

The relationships between the metaphors for mortality in the Dutch life paintings are clear, and are applicable to visible key aspects such as the moth on the apple and the insect laying dead near what looks like a ripe and delicious bunch of fruits. The colors used to depict the fruits in Ruysch’s painting strengthen them against the dark backgrounds, also viable in Huysum’s painting when compared. The levels of lightness used within the paintings are present to deliver the metaphor in a manner that could be more easily understood then a rather typical message.

Using the past style of Dutch still life paintings as well as applying the influence of the Vanitas art into his photo campaign, Hector Canales presents his idea of a metaphor for mortality using portraits along side military objects and veterans. I believe his methods could have been executed better. I feel like there are other objects that can better represent what could have possibly affected mortality especially if you are relating it the modern Iraq war. Several objects include the smartphone and it’s prominent stand regarding personal freedoms and what it could mean in a nuclear-armed world, the relationship between health hazards from war and health issues here at home, aswell as some struggles some veterans face after serving their country akin to some struggles Americans have been facing after being laid-off from work.