Chapter 9 (due 9/16)

12 Responses to Chapter 9 (due 9/16)

  1. Vincent says:

    Vincent Ang
    HMGT 1101
    Chapter 9 summary

    The world’s largest industry is tourism. Everyday there are thousands of people who travel whether it is by car, train, airplane or boat. People had been traveling all around the world in the past using animals when technology wasn’t as advance as today. Today people travel for work, vacations, or just visiting someone.
    Tourism is one of the biggest currency exchange contributor. It brings revenue to which ever country or place they visit. It is one of the contributing factors to boosting a country’s economy. In one of the slides, it also said it builds “international understanding, peace, prosperity, and respect for human rights and freedoms” which really does mean something to be with all the terrorist new going around lately.
    During the 1800s, people traveled on animals trading spices, silk, weapons, food, building material, or anything. Until trains and boats were invented traveling began to become easier and much faster. Which, as a result got more people to travel. Then came cars, cruise ships and airplanes which now has gotten everyone to travel. The cost of time to travel has dramatically decreased.
    Cities are growing larger and to help with the travels, there is a new system called the Hub and Spoke System, which allows travelers to travels from one small city to another. This system has two benefits according to this chapter, which are airlines can maximize passengers loads and service more cities at a lower cost.
    The economy on tourism has Americans to spend around $94 billion in traveling alone. Also in this chapter it says around 60 million international traveler visit the United States each year. There is a method call the “Multiplier Effect” which basically is when a tourist spends money to travel to a place and spends money, that money they are spending is being reused to purchase more goods or services around that community.

  2. Ellyn says:

    As the largest sector in the global economy, it can be said that tourism is an internationally loved activity and form of business. In total, 8.8% of the global workforce (259 million people) have some job relating to tourism. In fact, many developing countries rely on tourism to bring in money and to balance trade with the rest of the world. Several types of industries must be functioning in order for successful tourism to take place. These industries are travel/transportation, lodging, food, and recreation. However, even without modern transportation and travel luxuries, tourism has been a vital part of history. This can be seen in for example the religious pilgrimages to Mecca and Jerusalem that still go on today. Tourism was only enhanced with the implementation of railroad systems, road vehicles, airplanes, and cruise ships. These travel methods are now vital to fueling the economy and development of the rest of the world. In addition, tourism now allows people to learn about places they travel and lend their hand in developing countries. Such is the case for students who want to study abroad or do volunteer trips. For example, in ecotourism, people have the opportunity to study endangered wildlife and plant trees native to certain areas of the world. With all of these different opportunities and interdependency between industries in addition to increasing population and development, tourism is expected to grow even more.

  3. Account Deleted says:

    Andrea Shamlall
    HMGT 1101
    Chapter 9 Summary

    Tourism is the world’s largest industry. The World Tour Organization, which is a specialized agency in the United Nations, plays an important role to sustain tourism. The WTO employ nearly 259 million people. Europe, East Asia, the Pacific, and the Americas are where the most tourism happens. Tourism has been happening since the 1840’s. The five ages of tourism are the pre-industrial, the railway, the automobile, the jet aircraft, and the cruise ship age.
    Transportation has played an important part in tourism, making cruise ships and airplanes to bring in the most tourists. People have been using cars, buses, trains, ships, and airplanes all to get to their desired destination. There are five different kinds of tourism, which are cultural, heritage, nature, culinary, and voluntary tourism. These types of tourism have a high motivation geared towards them.
    Business travels had declined due to economic climate. Terrorism and increase in airfares have had an impact on the business travels as well. The cruise market is made up of the mass, middle, and luxury market. It caters to people who are of middle class to those who are rich. Ticketless air travel is currently a trend that is on the rise. Tourism is a growing industry and with technological advances making its way, traveling would be made a lot easier.

  4. Emani says:

    Emani Ahoua Chapter 9 Summary
    • Five ages of tourism
    Pre Industrial- Prior to 1840 Religious trade, pilgrimages

    Railway Age- Influenced building of towns and cities which hotels opened up near rail depot, mass travel, transport goods and people region to region.

    Automobile age- 1895 Germany, most popular transportation, buses convenient and economic.

    Jet aircraft- Integral factor travelers pay less carriers spending more on fuel leading to cutbacks, layoffs etc. competitors to provide low fares had significant impact on air travel.

    Cruise ship-The cruise market has increased dramatically in recent years. About 9 million Americans cruise each year. sail under foreign flags because they were built abroad. U.S. labor costs are too high to compete in the world market

    Economic impact of tourism- International travelers spend 94 billion in travel in US. 59.7 million international travelers visit the U.S. each year

    Multiplier effect- businesses recycle tourist money to buy more product and generate further use of money

    Business Travel- Declined due to economic climate also because of increased airfares, terrorism and business reducing travel budgets- affected business travel

    Ecotourism-focused on more individual values-tourism with a conscience
    Culture and Heritage- what we live with today and we pass on to future generations.

    5 different Tourism-Cultural (cultural events) Heritage (historical preservation) Nature (nature events) Culinary (contributing motivation) Volunteer (experience of different cultures)

    All tourisms will grow with time.
    Managing destinations will continue to be a challenge
    Airlines will continue to promote online booking.
    Ticketless air travel will rise.
    Cruise industry will expand

  5. Johanna says:

    Tourism is the world’s largest industry. According to UNWTO “Tourism comprises the activities to and staying in places outside their usual environment… For leisure, business and other purposes.” Tourism is a big deal, it employs over 259 million people seemed it’s there most leading producer of tax revenue. Tourism is such a big hit is expected over 1.8 billion by 2030. But how did all of this got started? There’s Pre-industrial, the railway age, the automobile age, there jet aircraft age and the cruise ship age. How exactly did it start out what was the purpose to traveling? In the middle ages it was for religious or trade reasons. Couple of people made pilgrimages to different locations. From Muslims to Mecca or Christians to Jerusalem. As people startedb traveling more, hotel were being built and roads to make traveling faster and easier. That’s how the five ages of tourism became a huge part of tourism. Some are better than other, for example bus and trains are cheaper than rental cars but rental cars could get to your destination faster.

  6. Tourism is very important to the world economy. For some countries, it represents a large percentage of their GDP. It also creates millions of jobs worldwide. Traveling initially started for religious reasons or for trading. Then with technology, automobiles and trains changed everything by making traveling an easier process. Airplanes and airlines afterwards. Cruises have also recently started making a great impact on the market. Today, people travel for several reasons. Some do it for cultural reasons, some do it for environmental reasons, some do it for economic reasons, and some even do it just for personal reasons.

  7. T. ETKINS says:

    Chapter 9 is basically about Travel and Tourism. It’s explain the reason people travel like for personal family experience or business purposes. The way we travel like on Planes, Coach buses, Cars and Cruise ships. This chapter explains different types of tourists. I had no idea there were different varieties and categories like Culture tourism, Nature and Volunteer tourism. I also learned about the World Tourism Organization, they help with the development of sustainable tourism and they make sure there is a respect for human rights, peace and prosperity.

  8. raymond chin says:

    Raymond Chin
    Prof John Akana
    Chapter 9 Summary

    Chapter 9 is interesting, I learned many things about the history of tourism. I thought it would be only automobiles but tourism is one of the largest industries today. Many people love to travel across the world with family, friends, or even alone. They would enjoy the activities that are set up for them while helping the economy. They provide government with substantial tax revenues, open borders, reasonably-priced airfares, and more people with the urge to travel. It sustains people’s job in the hospitality field. Restaurant’s and hotel’s customers are mostly tourists who come to visit and try new things. The money they use is recycled by the hotels and restaurants to purchase more goods. With so many people traveling, tourism will continue to increase, technology will advanced, and corporations will alliance making companies raise and employees will always have a job.

  9. K.HunG says:

    Kevin Hung
    Chapter 9 Summary

    Tourism doesn’t end, it’s open to everyone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year economic driver. It had represents an important part to our world. It creates millions of jobs worldwide and increase the number of people with time and money. In addition, it has also become one of the main income sources for some countries. I didn’t know that there were many type of tourism before i read this chapter, for me tourism in my mind was only vacation and have fun. However, there are different types of tourism like Cultural tourism, Heritage tourism, Nature tourism, Culinary tourism, and Volunteer tourism. Therefore, people travel for several reasons, not for just having fun like how i thought it was.

  10. Ras Gordon says:

    Summarization of Chapter 9: Introduction to hospitality

    The chapter 9 of Perspectives in Hospitality outlined what tourism actually means along with the various international & domestic tourism organizations the economic and sociocultural impact of tourism as well as the reasons why people travel. Tourism can be a wide variety of things including travel and lodging, conventions, expositions, meetings and events restaurant and managed services, assembly destination and event management or even recreational. This in fact are all examples of but not limited to tourism because it is all of those things. Which allow it to be the worlds largest collective of industries. The UNWTO’s definition is “Tourism comprises the activities of a persons traveling to and staying in i places outside of their usual environment for not more that one consecutive year for leisure, business, and other purposes.” the entire business is dependent on all of these factors of the collective know as interdependency, of tourism, travel lodging, food service,and recreation. Hotel guest need to travel to these destinations but also eat at a near by restaurant & visit near by attraction, creating and symbiotic relationship between business’.
    the chapter also goes on to describe the Five Ages of Tourism including the Pre industrial Revolution (), the Railway age, the automobile age, the jet craft age, and the cruise ship age. Each one signifying a new means to transportation allowing greater means for people to travel. Each of these has a contributed in bringing us closer to the present day global business/economy that tourism has become. The world travel & tourism council suggests the tourism industry revenue was at $1.850 billion asa of 2011 with a 4.2 percent rise per year. The chapter also goes into detail about the negative effect of the industries growth. Including those social and cultural perspectives which can be lost in the catering to a industry continuing to grown at change landscapes in the process. Understanding preserving , and respecting the indigenous people and their environment and cultural relationships with their lands. Which brings the chapter to its closing views on sustainable tourism which places an obligation on the Tourism industry as well the tourist involved. To find Harmony between natural environment, economic and sociocultural aspects of tourism to guarantee long term sustainability.

  11. Ras Gordon says:

    Summarization of Chapter 9: Introduction to hospitality

    The chapter 9 of Perspectives in Hospitality outlined what tourism actually means along with the various international & domestic tourism organizations the economic and sociocultural impact of tourism as well as the reasons why people travel. Tourism can be a wide variety of things including travel and lodging, conventions, expositions, meetings and events restaurant and managed services, assembly destination and event management or even recreational. This in fact are all examples of but not limited to tourism because it is all of those things. Which allow it to be the worlds largest collective of industries. The UNWTO’s definition is “Tourism comprises the activities of a persons traveling to and staying in i places outside of their usual environment for not more that one consecutive year for leisure, business, and other purposes.” the entire business is dependent on all of these factors of the collective know as interdependency, of tourism, travel lodging, food service,and recreation. Hotel guest need to travel to these destinations but also eat at a near by restaurant & visit near by attraction, creating and symbiotic relationship between business’.
    the chapter also goes on to describe the Five Ages of Tourism including the Pre industrial Revolution (), the Railway age, the automobile age, the jet craft age, and the cruise ship age. Each one signifying a new means to transportation allowing greater means for people to travel. Each of these has a contributed in bringing us closer to the present day global business/economy that tourism has become. The world travel & tourism council suggests the tourism industry revenue was at $1.850 billion asa of 2011 with a 4.2 percent rise per year. The chapter also goes into detail about the negative effect of the industries growth. Including those social and cultural perspectives which can be lost in the catering to a industry continuing to grown at change landscapes in the process. Understanding preserving , and respecting the indigenous people and their environment and cultural relationships with their lands. Which brings the chapter to its closing views on sustainable tourism which places an obligation on the Tourism industry as well the tourist involved. To find Harmony between natural environment, economic and sociocultural aspects of tourism to guarantee long term sustainability.

  12. Ras Gordon says:

    Summarization of Chapter 9: Introduction to hospitality

    The chapter 9 of Perspectives in Hospitality outlined what tourism actually means along with the various international & domestic tourism organizations the economic and sociocultural impact of tourism as well as the reasons why people travel. Tourism can be a wide variety of things including travel and lodging, conventions, expositions, meetings and events restaurant and managed services, assembly destination and event management or even recreational. This in fact are all examples of but not limited to tourism because it is all of those things. Which allow it to be the worlds largest collective of industries. The UNWTO’s definition is “Tourism comprises the activities of a persons traveling to and staying in i places outside of their usual environment for not more that one consecutive year for leisure, business, and other purposes.” the entire business is dependent on all of these factors of the collective know as interdependency, of tourism, travel lodging, food service,and recreation. Hotel guest need to travel to these destinations but also eat at a near by restaurant & visit near by attraction, creating and symbiotic relationship between business’.
    the chapter also goes on to describe the Five Ages of Tourism including the Pre industrial Revolution (), the Railway age, the automobile age, the jet craft age, and the cruise ship age. Each one signifying a new means to transportation allowing greater means for people to travel. Each of these has a contributed in bringing us closer to the present day global business/economy that tourism has become. The world travel & tourism council suggests the tourism industry revenue was at $1.850 billion asa of 2011 with a 4.2 percent rise per year. The chapter also goes into detail about the negative effect of the industries growth. Including those social and cultural perspectives which can be lost in the catering to a industry continuing to grown at change landscapes in the process. Understanding preserving , and respecting the indigenous people and their environment and cultural relationships with their lands. Which brings the chapter to its closing views on sustainable tourism which places an obligation on the Tourism industry as well the tourist involved. To find Harmony between natural environment, economic and sociocultural aspects of tourism to guarantee long term sustainability.

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