Creative Block and How to Overcome it

The worst feeling is when you get stuck on a project that is time sensitive. Talk about pressure! But how do you overcome such a situation? This happened to me during my second week of internship where I had to do a label for one of the products for the company. The label was supposed to keep the same look in terms of colors, design and layout and was told to use my creative skills to make it look more modern and new but the problem was that whatever I did or try to do new to it, it was an issue because they wanted to keep the same look. So, I was just in the middle of it not knowing how can I use my creative skills to re create the label but make it look exactly the same as before? Didn’t make sense to me. I was confused and stuck on that project because there was nothing I could’ve done to it at that point.

So, I took a break from that project and worked on some other ones meanwhile to take my mind off of it because I was thinking too much about it and that is what caused me to go completely blank. After working on some other stuff, I took a break and went out to get some fresh air and just as I go outside my mind refreshed and I had a few ideas coming in and I came back sat on my table and started working on the label again, making some adjustments with the layout and within the little space I had of creative freedom I made the label look more modern than before as per the request. Sometimes it could take longer than a few hours, but the main thing is to give your mind a break and not overthink something which is only going to give you bad ideas. Freshen up and the ideas will come in eventually.



Translation In Chinese



所以,我从那个项⽬中休息了⼀段时间,同时从事其他⼀些项⽬,因为我想太多了,这就是让我完全空⽩的原因。在完成了⼀些其他的⼯作后,我休息了⼀会⼉,出去呼吸新鲜空⽓,就在我⾛出去时,我的思绪焕然⼀新,我有了⼀些想法,然后我回来坐在我的桌⼦上,开始 制作标签再次,对布局进⾏⼀些调整,在我拥有的创作⾃由的⼩空间内,我根据要求使标签 看起来⽐以前更现代。有时可能需要⼏个⼩时以上的时间,但最重要的是让你的⼤脑休息⼀ 下,不要过度思考只会给你带来坏主意的事情。振作起来,想法最终会出现


Audio in English.