Edits, Changes and Feedback

It requires a lot of patience to take feedback and make edits for the 100th time. There is a project that has been going on for a while since I started this internship, I’m sure I mentioned it in the previous journal. Flyers and Decals, after several changes and little edits, I think we are finally coming to an end with the Decals. I am happy that they are finally finalized but it doesn’t end here. We are going to start working on the folders to which the flyers are going to be in.

This is my first ever project that has lasted long. I have to say you need patience to accept the feedback and try your best to work with the feedback in mind and even after that it may still not be perfect, but that is OKAY. It takes time for certain projects to reach perfection. And at the end you will see that all those edits were for a reason and that the final product turned out better that way.

<a href=’https://www.freepik.com/vectors/website-graphics’>Website graphics vector created by katemangostar – www.freepik.com</a>