My Best 3


I consider this picture to be my best today because of the mood the hard shadows and close up create. The direct lighting on the pineapple leads to dramatic fall off, which ends up conveying an overwhelming tension.

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Today’s best

this is my favorte image today, it was composed of using a very slow shutter speed, and some extra flash lights and color filters , my group and i were able to create this light writing photo


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Still Life


This my favorite photo that was taken in my group. A green paper was held over the camera. This led to the overall green image seen in this photo. It also effected the colors of the strobe light which led to to different tints in the color. The contrast is high in this image. This leads to an overall dark image, even though the pineapple is still illuminated.

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IMG_8356I believe this is my personal best mainly because the angle of the light running down the pineapple creates a shadow creating an interesting shadow. The texture of the pineapple and the transition of color is also nice

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Still life


I like this photo because the background flashlight created lightning along with fire-like light around the pineapple with some light on the pineapple itself.

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Personal Best; Dole.









I really like this photo because of the dark tone to it. The pineapple is the main subject but the ambient lighting gives it a dark feeling. Also represents gives a sense of isolation.

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DIY home studio


When I began to set up my at home studio, I thought it would be a breeze because I had some materials like lights that I bought a year or two ago. Unfortunately I was unable to find the lights and realized they were packed away in a storage unit far away. So I had to make due with what I had, a solid table lamp that is very flexible which allows me to change the direction of the lighting easily. For my set up I bought some black foam core board and used my laptop table. I cut the board into reasonable sizes and glued them together so that it would stand up. Next I made sure I had a solid off white curtain in the background in case I want to change backdrops for any of my upcoming projects. I then dug up my brand new Tripod I bought a few months back and set up my camera. What I found most difficult about the process was adjusting the table and making sure the board would stay up, hence the crazy glue. Also, since the location I was shooting in is relatively dark, My ISO had to be adjusted higher than I would have liked. Overall, I think I was Successful in recreating a reasonable at home studio at low cost.

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HW #1


If I were the art director in charge of the Honda FCX Clarity, a fuel cell Electric Vehicle, the photographer I Would choose is Tim Wallace. Although Tim Wallace typically photographs cars that are at the higher end of the spectrum I believe hiring him would help the issue with the public viewing the Honda FCX Clarity as inferior. I believe this photographers use of low angle shots and clean dark background in his work shows these cars as powerful and superior. I believe the dark solid background makes these cars appear somewhat exclusive and shows empowerment.  Interestingly enough, he also uses a lot of eye level photographs in his work. I believe the eye level images makes it so that these cars are in a way attainable despite their high status and value. He also uses a deep depth of field to make these cars stand out. He uses high contrast and symmetrical images to make the cars look clean cut. The sleek red of the Honda FCX will also blend in nicely with Mr. Wallace’s work. From what I see on this photographer’s website, he is very diverse in his work due his shooting luxury cars in photo shoots to vans or even commercial trucks in some. His motto “I can’t stress enough that each situation in car photography is different and it’s not the equipment that makes the image, it’s the passion and imagination that is invested into it.” will best represent the Honda brand and help with capturing the feeling of the Honda FCX Clarity. It won’t be like every other car but instead it’ll be the car you never knew you needed.

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I like this photograph because it looks as if the stuffed animal is proud and strong with his head held high and his eyes looking forward. I believe the lighting helps a lot in the description because its over exposed he looks as if theres a bright future ahead of him, it also makes the darker shadows look darker giving the feeling of leaving the darkness behind.

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Lost Dog



Our group decided to do something different when we’re capturing the mood of sadness. We experimented many ways but it wasn’t working out. We tried different angles placement of the camera. None was successful. Until my partner got tired of holding the paper to form a circular shape. So we end up having the paper sit on top of the dog. With the back light, it create a almost clear silhouette of the dog. By placing the dog in the center, it feel like the dog is lost in a tunnel and afraid to find his way out. The back light creates a dramatic effect to the image.

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