Category Archives: Uncategorized


Visiting many galleries on tuesday was a very great experience to me. I didn’t know that there was such galleries that are free to the public to look at so this was very good to know. I learn that  many photographers … Continue reading

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Gallery Exhibit

After exploring multiple gallery exhibit, I realize how every artist/photographers has their own unique style in capturing their work of art. From the Aperture Foundation with Rectangular Square to Classic Images to 303 Gallery, there was a large range of … Continue reading

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Hw Photography Exhibit

During the class trip we went to a few different photography galleries. I have learn that not only photography is used to keep memories, but it gives a feeling, an expression for the photographer and the audience. The New York … Continue reading

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10/29/14 Response

Ashley Gilbertson’s work is displayed as part of the New York Times Magazine Photographs gallery at the Aperture Foundation. Her photographs are black and white still-life images depicting the bedrooms of what one would assume to be small children. There … Continue reading

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Chelsea, Photo Exhibitions..

Today was a different day, we as a class got to know different expressions of photography. This is really helpful and help us more to comprehend about current photographers and how their work is relevant and engaging. First, the exhibition … Continue reading

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Mini Studio

When making this home mini studio as i call it, a lot went thur my mind, questions like, where will i put it? Do i have enough space? Will i be able to pull it off? After going thru many … Continue reading

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Hw-DIY Studio

When making this studio, I had many problems to face; ranging from how I will afford a stance for my backdrop to choosing  my substitute for lightening. The area I live doesnt have the resources I would need for this … Continue reading

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Best photo

I believe this picture I took was my best for the day mainly because of the different levels of values it illustrates. Due to the shadows being diffused, it cast very soft shadows upon the subject’s face.

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This image is one of my favorites from the ‘Up close scavenger hunt.” This image is shot from a low angle, which creates a more dramatic effect. The walls in this image also showcase a rough texture. It is also a … Continue reading

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Today’s Best

i think this photo was my best today. i like how up close and personal the photo is, and how clearly you can see this persons hair fibers, it also gives forth a dark mood, and a low key image

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