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Commentary on The New Yorker’s Social Animal

I was surprised by the article when it brought up a few key points about dating. I didn’t know there was a whole science behind the art of attraction. What surprised me was when the article said we tend to look from people with the same eye distance and nose width as ourselves. I didn’t know that taller men tend to get paid better. I never thought height would be a factor in salary. The article made me curious as to why women look for guys with symmetrical features. I didn’t agree when the article said we really don’t look for opposites in companions but rather people with similar paths as ours. I don’t agree with this statement because I know some relationships who are polar opposites from each other

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Roy’s Internship Journey: Week 5

Subsequently after designing sliders for the site, I was given the assignment to review all the photography taken prior of the merchandise. The images ranged from dresses to accessories. Some of the images I couldn’t work with because some were out of focus and weren’t proper lit. My assignment was to retouch, color correct, and isolate the products from it’s backgrounds and give them all a polish catalog look. This assignment is very time consuming and very meticulous. Even though it’s a vast amount of work, I enjoy retouching.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Anton Journal #5

During my internship i finally got to meet another intern in my section.  His name was Alonzo Nelson and it was great to see him.  I had joined him in previous classes and it was awesome to see a familiar face.  Once we both got together our supervisor Al Vargas called us both in for a “brain storming” session.  We discussed what technology is when people hear, see, or think about technology.  The reason for our thoughts was because he wanted to start a campaign on re-branding out school.  Changing the way incoming students saw us and what freshmen had already saw us as.  We talked about the schools we signed up for and what school accepted us.  We spoke about why we decided on this particular college and what the major factors that attracted us to where we are now.  We discussed the positives, the negatives, and the unknown; details about the school that we ourselves did not even know of.  We had a wall and we drew up a web linking reasons why students would want to visit and attend City Tech.  Any details or words that we thought about that described the college, we had a pack of sticky notes and we posted it on the wall.  We soon wrote up a set of questions for a survey.  The survey had weird questions but also had questions that we discussed, questions about what each person’s view on technology and what type of objects, colors, people, places technology would be.  After the session we went off to do our own research.

Posted in Assignments, Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

“Journal FIve”

Journal Five

     I worked all day yesterday, October 8, 2013, as usual, at the graphics office of the District Attorney’s office.  In the morning there was as usual, a lot of board cutting and mounting work to do.  It seems about half of the work they do involves things like this, and presentations for the courtroom for the various lawyers who come into the office.

After that, tried to continue working on a seal for the District Attorney.  I finished it, for the most part, and then was asked to scan and print some more items.  I got some of them printed, but once again, missed some of the steps, and didn’t do it correctly.  Another person in the office came over and helped me do it.  I thought I had written down everything I needed, but I hadn’t.  I tried to write down the things I was missing.  There are about 20 steps you need to do this correctly, and they have to be done in an exact order.  It was embarrassing to, for the second time, need help to do this scanning and printing job.  I told the man who helped me, to give me a couple of things I could do to practice it, so that the next time I was asked to scan and print, I would be able to do it.  I don’t want to be asked again, and not be able to do it.  I didn’t follow up on this though until the end of the day, at which point he was sort of busy.  I told him I might come in the next day to practice, or if not, that I would like to do it the next week when I came back.  The problem is, to really go through all of the steps, you need to actually print out things, and they don’t really want you to print anything except that which they really need.

In the afternoon, I showed another person in the office a designed resume I was trying to do, along with a logo for the senior project.  He came me some advice for both of them.  We then talked about some techniques on Photoshop and on the design business in general.  It was good to be able to ask him some questions about the business, as he had been involved in it for quite a while.  He also interesting, because after receiving a bachelor’s degree in design, he went to graduate school and  got a master’s degree in fine art.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

“The Social Animal”

“The Social Animal”

     This article touched on what it called “the composure class”.  (The one percent?)  It talked about how they got their good jobs and lifestyles through good old fashioned hard work, rather than by some “quick financial fix.”  Of course, the game is still rigged in their favor, as they generally grow up with the advantages of going to the best schools, and receiving all the other care which the more fortunate members of our society receive.

The article then made some good point about how we are taught specific career skills, but not other important things like emotional intelligence and general social skills.  There is no doubt that a person who can read people well, and is adept at social interaction will probably do better in the work world than someone else who has as much technical skill as him, but isn’t as skilled in how to get along with others.  It also never ceases to amaze me how specialized many people’s talent and skills seem to be.  Over and over I see examples of how a person can be brilliant at certain tasks, and hopeless at others.  Skill and ability seem so specialized much of the time.

The article then went on to describe a composure class member’s courtship and relationship with the woman who became his wife.  It described many of the unconscious actions which go on between people when interacting, and how they approve or disapprove of each other.  At the end of the article, the member attended a festival where one of the speaker talked about the importance of doing things you love, and how the unconscious largely determines what we like and don’t like.  At the end of the article, this person decided he would try to become more aware of what was contained in his unconscious mind, and to try to use that knowledge to make more informed decisions.

Posted in Assignments.

Social Animal

I found the article Social Animal by David Brooks really interesting. It addressed alot of topics I found predominate in this generation as well as past generations. David really analyzed the struggle human beings go through on a daily bases such as finding the balance between our Rational and emotional selves. He showed how our upbringing as well as our social interactions in society molds us into who we are. David hit a lot of interesting facts in his article such as; Language is not the only form of communication. Individuals can communicate amongst one another by the use of gestures, facial expressions, and other visual images, which can be classified as non-verbal communication. One particular example he used to support this thesis explains how friends who engage in conversations begin to utilize each other’s vocal patterns. Also when individuals converse they tend to mimic the body language of the other person. Mimicking body language helps to give both individuals a better perception of the other person’s emotions. Another fact I found interesting and true is as human beings we make judgments about a person’s trustworthiness, competence, aggressiveness, and likability within the first tenth of a second. These judgments become consequential regarding how we will feel about this particular individual months later. Another interesting fact is, people who loose their sense of smell eventually suffer greater emotional lost than people who loose their vision. This disability is known as anosmia and a vast amount of people who suffer from it dwell in anxiety and depression. There have been cases where anosmia sufferers possess a low libido due to their lack of smell. I also read that men who suffer from Ansonia have fewer partners than women who suffer with this disorder. Ilona Croy, a psychologist at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden stated that most of social signals are transported through smell. Which also brings me to the next interesting fact that pheromones can determine a person’s emotional state. This was tested in the movie experiment; scary verses comedy.

Genetics, culture, education, and family are all factors that contribute to our self-existence. Society and our interactions can be misleading in determining what true happiness is. It was shown in this article true happiness lies with social interactions and not by rewards by materialistic objects. Our unconscious mind, which influences our emotional side seems to always be in a struggle with or conscious mind and this seems to explain why most human beings are not happy. Due to the progression of Globalization; improvement in technologies seem to keep us away from really socializing within a face-to-face interaction but rather a “online” world.

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Creation Myth- Response

The article Creation Myth by Malcolm Gladwell didn’t really hold my attention. However, I did find certain things both interesting and humorous as I drifted through the paragraphs. I will forever find the invention of the first computer to be pretty interesting. I could not imagine using such a huge contraption with a mouse the size of a alarm clock. I can only imagine how time consuming it must have been to type in every action into the computer in order for the system to preform, what my generation considers, a simple task. It’s also pretty interesting how the Xerox mouse cost $300 to make but broke down within two weeks. It was funny to me how Dean Hovey tried to make a a more affordable mouse using a butter dish, and the balls found within several underarm deodorant. The little history mention within this article was interesting as well- The soviet union were the first to think of how digital technology would aid in warfare, while Americans were the first to create the high technological systems, and Israel was the first to use them during the 1982 battle of Bekaa valley Turkey shoot. It showed that the Soviet union had a strong grasp on theoretical analysis, while America posses a drive towards forming technological solutions. The optical engineer Gary Starkweather was a pretty interesting character as well. I like how his goal was to create a printer that simplified the printing process by getting rid of the process of scanning a photo by replacing this action with directing the file from a document straight into a photocopier all within the computer. I adore his persistence for his creations. I also adore his determination and strength to understand his self worth which enabled him to pursue his gratifying invention.

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Journal Entry #5

Last class I took down some information regarding possible Internships.  I was still waiting for Zola to contact me until I received an email on Thursday from the creative director of the Lip bar. I had applied for the Lip bar since September 20th.  As you can recall they emailed me back but told me they had to cancel the interview because they were going out of state. I thought they were never going to get back to me until I received the email. The Lip bar contacted me on October fourth, which was a Thursday. Rosco, which is the creative director, asked me if I was going to be available for an interview for Friday, which was the following day. I had work but accepted the date. I went to the interview, which was scheduled for twelve o clock. It was held at the rooftop of the establishment. I was extremely nervous especially since both the creative director and Melissa, who is the founder of the company, interviewed me. I showed them my portfolio during the process and they were very impressed. After a few questions and small talk I was hired on the spot. So in the middle of the semester I was blessed to find a internship! The job tasks are the same as what was posted on the listing, which was updating social media pages, assisting on photoshoots, and dealing with customer purchases. I am also going to be designing graphics, formulating marketing strategies, and assisting them with their events. I am so excited for this especially since this is true to my interest. I cannot wait to start!

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Journal Entry #4

Since the last class meeting the staff at Zola contacted me on Facebook. They asked me to send them a copy of my resume. I was really happy to hear from them. I haven’t heard back from Nova arts. As a result I decided to apply for some more internships. I applied to The Dumbo arts center, and Allure magazine.  Dumbo arts center is located in Dumbo. They currently own a gallery, in which they use to feature a lot of different artist ranging from fine arts to digital work and so on. They also hold art festivals as well as other events. Allure is a female-based magazine that features topics such as, fashion, beauty, salon & spa, hair care, and celebrity style. I wanted to intern for a magazine company but haven’t had any luck sadly. I really pray and hope that Allure will contact me back. I wrote a cover letter for the opportunity as well and applied for the Beauty section, which is all about the cosmetology world of makeup, hair, skin care products, and etc. I really would like to participate in something such as this. This internship search has been going really bad so far but I am just trying to keep my hope and faith up. I am still waiting back from Zola as well. In the meantime I am just going to research more internships that focus in my field. I recently saw a small design studio in my neighbor hood called Coop design. I went of the webpage and checked them out. I may walk in and ask them if they are taking internships at the moment. The search goes on.

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Journal 5

This week, my supervisor asked me to use Illustrator to create a cartoon version of the bride and bridegroom. These illustrations will put on the wedding invitation card. First of all, I had to scan their photos to the computers, convert to black and white images, and adjust the contrast. I thought it helped me to trace their images easily. I decided to draw the bride first, because she might take more time to create. I locked the image and decreased the opacity as the base, I used pen tool to draw on top of it. After I traced the face and the head, I sited back and looked at it; it looked argyle and didn’t look like a cartoon character. The whole purpose of creating a cartoon version was to look cute and sweet on the invitation card. I went on Google to see how those cartoon brides look like; they always had a huge eyes and small body with a wedding dress. Because my illustration was too specific and details, it looked like a real person. After the inspiration, I got an idea knowing how to draw it. I just created my own cartoon character that had a round face, small mouth, and nose, but had big eyes. After that I edited and added some personal characteristics of the bride on that character, such as the skin tone, the color of hair and so on. I realized this was a shortcut to create a cartoon version. Even I knew the way to draw, but it still took me a lot of time to create a cartoon character.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.