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Carlos Ordonez Journal Entry Week 4 (10/02/13)

Finally Tommy got back to me and told me to some in Tuesday October 1st 2013.

I was really excited to start my internship because I didn’t know what to expect. I came in and I was introduced to Joe Siciliano who is the prepress specialist at the company, and who is going to be my mentor/supervisor. He immediately gave me a job that he was working for the Guggenheim museum and told me to do some Photoshop retouching. I think he did this just to see my skills and my thought process. So after 10 to 15 minutes he came back and said I like what you’re doing but let me show you how to do it faster an easier. So He sat down and in less then 30 seconds he did what I had been trying to for the last 15 minutes. I was amazed as how easy he made it seem, and in fact it was easy, the thing is that he solved the problem another way and it worked very well. After he did that I realized this guy was the real deal, definitely someone I would like to learn from. So he kept working on other files while I watched him. He finished and then said that’s all I have for now so if you want let me see your schoolwork and see if I could help you. We went over some stuff and then he had the idea to introduce me to Michael Kagan the CEO of an in house company called Aviddd. Mike was actually looking for an intern too, so we decided to share my intern hours between Cosmos and Aviddd. Aviddd does a special way of printing that requires knowledge in Illustrator in order to create 3D prints with use of patterns and a special paper. I was so excited that now I had 2 internships. The rest of the day I spent with Joe and at 3pm I was gone, very happy an excited about this new experience I was about to jump into.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Carlos Ordonez Journal Entry Week 3 (9/25/13)

I am a little concerned about my internship for many reasons. It is already the third week and I have not started my internship. I tried getting in touch with Tommy from Cosmos Communications this whole week, to give him my schedule and my resume as he asked. It has been a difficult task to perform since he was not answering my emails. Finally he answered yesterday 9/24/13 with an email saying that he will get back to me when he has more time, because he has been busy with clients. At this point I am freaking out and feeling like I have made the mistake of putting all my eggs in one basket. I am concerned at the fact that I have not started and I don’t even know when I will start or if I will ever start, I have 120 hours to make up. I am thinking on giving it one more week and if nothing happens I will have to start from scratch once again, and I don’t know how long that is going to take. I plan on emailing Tommy this whole week every other day to see if he gives me an answer on when I am going to start. I am really interested in doing my internship, not only because I need it to pass the class, but also because I know it is going to helpful and significant experience for my future after I graduate. This internship is going to prepare me for the real world. I find this very necessary in my case since I feel I am unprepared for what’s to come once I leave school.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Journal #6

This week I created another email image for Ressler Importers. I’ve been working fewer and fewer hours with them since we launched the site. But that’s okay since I’ve been working so much with SMI. We made a plan to try to finish up the site in early November. I’m not sure that the mobile version will be available by November 8th, but the desktop site will definitely be done by then.

I’ve been having a hard time with Standard. I’m used to working with an entire team, and this is really my first big project on my own. It’s been a big learning experience. I almost wish I had had Professor Davis’ Design Team Class before I took on the job. If I had had the organizational and business skills before taking on this position, I think it would have been much easier – for them and for me. But I have learned a lot, and hope to finish the job soon.

We spoke about how the U.S. is lacking in writing and math skills – lacking more so than other countries. I think the problem with the U.S. is with elementary/junior high/high schools. Other countries have a much better school system than the United States. And I feel like once someone gets into the University system – it’s too late. If someone doesn’t know the basics of writing, I don’t know that a one semester writing class is going to improve this. The same goes for Biology, Math, etc. Yes – the U.S. needs more scientists, and more mathematicians, but most scientists don’t just discover a new love or fascination with Biology as a freshman in college. No, I believe more kids need exposure to science/math/writing as children…and they need these courses to be creative, not just answering questions in a book. But the U.S. needs their guidelines, and because of this – they have mandatory courses that students unfortunately have to take, mandatory testing they have to do and pass each year, and mandatory books they have to purchase. All of this is why the U.S. is behind in these subjects.

Posted in Uncategorized.

Journal #5

This week I started to be on sight on my internship. I have started to deal with customers lightly not as much as I will later on. While Jaime Colon was working on certain projects I had to sit customers down and tell them Jaime will sit with them soon. While on sight I was given a project on photoshop. I had to help Jaime create a menu for a restaurant from scratch. Jaime had already started the project but I had to condense the menu to make it five pages instead of seven.  Its easy but very time consuming. I was only able to create three pages and had to condense three more pages. I was on sight for eight hours so you can imagine how much time was needed for this project.I had to take several lunch breaks in order to stay focused on my project.

I have learned how companies create t shirts. There is a machine that outlines designs on the material that is put on the t shirt. After the outline is made you have to take a blade and remove the pieces of the design that dont belong. When your design is ready you place the shirt on a heat press, then place your design where you want it on the shirt. The shirt is in place and now you set the heat press for 5 seconds. The shirt is done in five seconds but takes around twenty minutes to make one shirt. Its very time consuming but pays in the end of the process.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal # 4 SEP 25

Last week I was again working on designing the One Direction marketing book. Finally I finished it and now I started with new project. This week Tuesday I am working on the second revision of Masterworks Logo and new logo for Okeh Records. I mostly get one or two days to work on each project, but sometimes very hard to finish the assignment on time. I work most of the time two to three days and if I cannot continue I just submit the work on the server. I think Sony Music is the best place to work because they always have something to do. I also applied to Amalgamted Bank for graphic design position and this Thursday I have an interview with them. Hopefully, I will get this internship too.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Journal #3 SEP 18

Week three I started working on One Direction band marketing book. I was so excited to work for this project because it will help me to create a nice piece for my portfolio. I like working on a real project, where I can say I worked on this project. When they gave me all the contents, I was nervous and did not understand how they gave me. It was totally mess with small paper and taped with some writing on the book. Hard to understand the content they gave me to add or remove on existing template. I was scared to touch the old design copy because I didn’t want to change the format. So I worked on it very carefully. Timeline was the most time consuming page because of the format. I took the project home and decided to finish some of the works so I can deliver the project on time. Wednesday was my second day for that week and stated to work and trying to finish the project as soon as possible. I asked the art director if I could change the layout and make it nicer. He gave permission and told me to have fun with it. I start working on it again from the beginning to end and then finally I created a nicer layout for that book. When I showed him, he said, “beautiful!” and told me to keep working on it. It was hard to finish it in two days but I did my best I could do.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Internship as of 20131009

This week for my internship I received quite a lot of work to do. The first day of this week I received an assignment to work on their brochure which are a few pages length. After I designed one of the brochure then I can use it as a template for the rest of the other travel destination that needs a brochure. A few days later I received a call from my supervisor early in the morning on Tuesday asking me to create two flyers that will be printed this Friday. I’m left with a really tight deadline. Today morning I received messages and a phone call from my supervisor asking for revisions on the flyers. My supervisor message me the number of one of the senior designer there. The senior designer asks me to send him the files of the flyers, so he can give feedback on it. He wanted to cut down the design to stay on one side of the page. I told him that if that was to be done then I would need to cut down on a lot of the information and details in order for it to fit on page. He later replied saying that cutting the information and details would not do. He told me to maintain the orginal layout of double sided flyer. I am now in the midst of revisions from feedback of my supervisor and senior designer. This is the first time I’m working with such a quick pace in order to meet the deadline. The thought of the deadline drawing closer puts pressure and stress on me.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal Post for 9/25

This week I focused on finishing up the collateral for IgnitionOne’s 2013 Client Summit. One of the major projects was finishing up the agenda book. One of the major changes was taking the main design of using circles throughout the book to using honeycombs. The Marketing Executive, Vanessa Ralls, approached me requesting we use honeycombs as it was used in their yearly playbook. The idea was to make honeycombs apart of the branding. Using the honeycombs in the agenda book was such a success that the CEO of the company now wants to incorporate it into our presentation slides.

One of the major events of the week was when I was emailed to meet with one of the managers from the sister company, Netmining. I assumed it was going to be just between the two of us as was the previous meeting. To my surprise when I arrived it was not just the manager but also her boss, along with two interns under their wing. The meeting was to discuss the infographic template I was currently developing for them. Overall they liked the design with just a few tweaks, but the main reason was to introduce me to the new interns. I was asked to train them in using the programs, such as InDesign, so that they can adjust to the inforgraphic to fit new client statistics as they come in.

So pretty eventful week thus far. Will continue working on event collateral until the 1st of October, when everything is set to go to print.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal: Interview at EyeView

Thanks to Prof. Mason, I managed to get in touch with the Vice President of video company, EyeView. On Thursday, October 3rd, I went to the EyeView corporation in Manhattan and met the Vice President of the company to discuss about working as an intern. The Vice President was very respectful and I got to speak with him about my works as well as myself and my interest in design and web. Also, I got to learn about the company, their mission, and why they exist. This seems like the job for me that I definitely would like to become an intern for. As of now, I’m currently waiting for their reply to see if I get accepted. I’m hoping for the best they do!

– Thomas M

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Opinions of “How to Get a Job” Article

I found it interesting how companies are making their own test and not really looking at degrees for hiring yet the news/media is gearing the mass audience to believe the youth is required a degree to qualify. Even though I understand why it’s more effective for company’s to create their own exams for a position, I feel many people with degrees would lose out on getting the job because some people aren’t good test takers.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.