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Journal Nine

Journal Nine

     Yesterday, November 6, 2013, I was scheduled to go to my intern job at the King’s County District Attorney’s office, but I really had to work all day on a midterm for a night class, so I called and told them I couldn’t come in.  I thought maybe I could make up the hours later in the week, and told them so.  I have to show Norberto, the manager, the work that Louis, one of the employees, did with me last week.  He gave me some good ideas, some of which I used for my web three class, and others on some Asian art flyers I”ve have been working on.

He has a good artistic eye, and got me more focused on the feather tool in photoshop, as a way to blend objects, and make things seem less “boxy.”  We also went over some mirroring techniques, and he kept emphasizing that I need to enlarge images when I am working, to make sure things are lined up properly.  You can’t always tell by the eye if things are aligned, but it’s important, as if they aren’t, it will show up on print outs.

I want to show Louis more work that I have tried to do, and also show him the PDF interactive information I looked up and tried to use on my portfolio

presentation in class.  Most likely, I will go in later this week, and talk to him about these kinds of things.He is very helpful and is generous in spending time with others trying to help them with whatever they need.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.


November 6, 13

This week I worked on Epic Year Book cover design and some images for The Fray Photo shoot collection on Adobe Bridge. At first, I got scared because I never used Adobe Bridge but then when my Art director showed me I learned quickly. I also didn’t know why people use Adobe Bridge but than when I looked at the file it has 800 images and file is about 10GB. When I read about purpose of using Adobe Bridge I found out that it gives information about image tag information. So as a designer when we send out all the photos in paper they just has to tell us the image tag and we can start working on the image.

Adobe Bridge CS5 is a useful software package for any professional photographer. Adobe Bridge CS5 software makes it very easy to organize and manage all photos. This makes it very easy to find any photo that we want to find. This will save a lot of time which we can spend taking even more photos. Adobe Bridge is easy to export, easy to use, setting color and batch renaming.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Roy’s Internship Journey: Week 9

After an endless amount of editing products shots and color correcting them, I was told to resize all the images to a 500 by 380 pixel dimension. These dimensions were requested due to the fact that the client’s website only takes those dimensions. After hours of altering the images to fit those proportions, I uploaded them to the client’s server ( The final product was given the thumbs up. We also discussed some of the applicants we received from the casting call, we published online a few weeks ago. One of the candidates, who applied to be one of the models in the ads, gave me the impression she would be great for vision the founder of Ripetaste has. Another model was presented to me as another selection for the imagery of the company. I felt this model didn’t portray the aesthetics the company was going for. I was told that I would change my mind once they would finalize the stylizing around her. We are still waiting for more applicants to sign up since we need three diverse models to be the focus of the brand.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal numero nine

Today my supervisor told me to work on another photo retouching.  I had to combine two groups of people together to form one photo.  The background was similar but slightly tilted.  I first imported both photos in one document in Photoshop.  Afterwards I expanded one of the photos larger so that both photos looked the same in perspective.  I had used the liquefy tool to combine bits of the photo as one.  I used a combination of the clone tool, the patch tool, the healing brush, and transform tool for the missing background.  These tools help me replicate the missing parts and or the parts that look distorted and out of place.  With the photo almost completed I used the dodge tool to help brighten some of the subjects faces so relate to the overall lighting.  With the retouching done, my supervisor Alberto Vargas and I moved to the school Atrium.  We started to shoot film for the schools website.  The final parts of the film he wanted to record were b-scenes for the video.  B-scenes are like filler scenes.  These scenes are placed when a person is talking or when an interview is taking place.  They are placed so the audience does not have to endure a portion of the video with just a person talking.  We moved to the second floor to shoot some of the hospitality management classes.  We also shot a few food sculptures and some of the student’s dishes.  Moving to the 1st floor we took some shots of the elevator and cafeteria with student traffic.  After filming we returned to the office, where Alberto would edit the scenes we took.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal post 10/30/13

This week I had been assigned to design the company’s Integrated Marketing Survey playbook. The book mainly consists of surveys and graphs taken throughout the year on the affects of digital marketing and where and when it is at its strongest. The final version came along pretty well with each section have its own iconic graphic as well as charts and graphs to represent statistics. The hardest part was designing the cover for the book. The Marketing Director, the Marketing Executive, and myself went back and forth for a couple hours trying to get the cover to not only look familiar to the company’s last marketing playbook while still have its own identity. In the end we used the honeycombs, a trend used within the Client Summit branding. The idea is to pushing to make the honeycombs a recurring graphic within the company, as told by my Marketing Director.

Along with that assignment I was informed that I was to design this years Holiday Shopping infographic this year. Not that I mine the work, but I’ve come to notice that the marketing team, as well as the company, is coming to trust me more and more with these big projects.  Majority, if not all, of these projects would be handle by an outside designer. I can only assume that they prefer the idea of being involved in he step-by-step process instead of sitting around waiting for an email. Regardless it is a nice feeling to have your work appreciated.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal 10

On October 28, 2013. I had came up with a solution to show the drips connected to the shape of the nuclear bomb explosion. I changed the stroke of the drips and add some white area to it to create highlight. I kept playing with the stroke of the lines, one had to be very thin and some have to be hairline. But when the stroke became hairline, some of the details had lost, so I adjusted the stroke of each drips with direct select tool by point to point on Illustrator. I showed my design to my supervisor, and he said it was a lots better. He wanted me to play with the proportion of the nuclear bomb explosion shape. I had picked the best one and showed it to my supervisor, and he said it was good. He did a sketch on the proportion of the nuclear bomb explosion shape, and I said it looked like a flower root, and he said that solution might work too but I had to test it out. He also asked for the ring thing connected to the explosion shape. I told him I will continued that next week.

On November 4, 2013. Okay, now it was getting interesting, the nuclear bomb explosion shape become the shape of the flower root. Now, the design looks like this; when the drips comes down to the ground, it became either the small flower root or a large water flow. I pulled out the brush library on Illustrator, and tested out all the brushes to see which one work the best for the ring. I had create the shape of the nuclear bomb explosion looked like a flower root now, and add the ring to it. I continued playing with the brush tools and the filter as well. I found the chalk-scubble brush work with the outside layer of the ring, and the filter chrome worked with the inside layer of the ring and I attached both together and add some blur to it to create some motion feel. After I finished my work, I sent to my supervisor because he was out today. I’m waiting for his feedback.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm, Uncategorized.

8st Journal

When I back to office to day, I have a new project to do for this week. I have to do the flyer of the Thailand, I have to create a 8.5X11 size ad for it, and the deadline is the end of this week.

I created a layout for it, and download different activities images, that I will use it as background. I have input different type of Chinese character as tagline and text. I feel this project is not too hard to do, because I have the idea of what is it after I have done the research about this place. I showed the works I have done to George, but he said he doesn’t agree with the color I used for it. I used dark color for the background, but George said should be use light color because bright color will make people feel sunshine and good mood. I agree with it, so I changed it.

Basically, this week, I have done with this ad, not too bad.


Groupthink Comment: I agree with the idea of this article. Groupthink is an important point for everything, it can help with improve no matter what is it. Everyone has different ideas with their mind, if only one person will only come up one idea, however, if ten people will be come up ten different new ideas, if we combine all of the ideas together, then will become the best of this ten.

Posted in Uncategorized.

Roy’s Internship Journey: Week 8

For the last three week, I have been editing a bulk of images for the company. This week I focused on the isolating the backgrounds off the pants and skirts she had photographed. I also did exposure and color corrections. My client and me have gone back and forth making sure the edits are done to the best of my abilities. We also still awaiting for models to respond to our casting calls.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Commentary on “Brainstorming Myth” By JONAH LEHRER

I had a hard time understanding this article. I didn’t really grasp what I was reading. The only thing I was able to understand was that there has been multiple test to debunk brainstorming myths.The article stated that “The brainstorming groups slightly outperformed the groups given no instructions, but teams given the debate condition were the most creative by far”. A quote that resonated with me from the article was “criticism allows people to dig below the surface of the imagination and come up with collective ideas that aren’t predictable. And recognizing the importance of conflicting perspectives in a group raises the issue of what kinds of people will work together best.”I found this quote to be very true.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Internship as of 20131023

This week at my internship at L&L Travel Inc., I am still working on the midst of retouching and updating the flyers because there is quite the amount. I have just finished designing the covers for the brochures of West Coast and Yellowstone National Park. My supervisor is too busy to look over my work today, so he told me to email it to him during this week. He will give me feedback, and if there is anything that needs to be revised I’ll fix it then. Today he stopped by the company briefly before leaving in minutes since he had an important meeting to attend to. Mina and I discuss briefly about a newspaper ad that she was designing. Afterward, we then went back to our desk and continued to work on our assigned work. During break time I worked on my work for portfolio class.

My experience on work this week is that I’m starting to feel a bit more comfortable with the environment at the company.  I’m starting to communicate more with the people at the company and my co-workers. I’ve noticed that as I work inside the company my focus level has increased as well as my workload. The article from last week’s assignment talks about brainstorming and its effectiveness. It says that brainstorming does not work, and people comes up with more ideas working alone then coming together to discuss which ideas work.

Posted in Assignments, Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.