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Journal 10

On October 28, 2013. I had came up with a solution to show the drips connected to the shape of the nuclear bomb explosion. I changed the stroke of the drips and add some white area to it to create highlight. I kept playing with the stroke of the lines, one had to be very thin and some have to be hairline. But when the stroke became hairline, some of the details had lost, so I adjusted the stroke of each drips with direct select tool by point to point on Illustrator. I showed my design to my supervisor, and he said it was a lots better. He wanted me to play with the proportion of the nuclear bomb explosion shape. I had picked the best one and showed it to my supervisor, and he said it was good. He did a sketch on the proportion of the nuclear bomb explosion shape, and I said it looked like a flower root, and he said that solution might work too but I had to test it out. He also asked for the ring thing connected to the explosion shape. I told him I will continued that next week.

On November 4, 2013. Okay, now it was getting interesting, the nuclear bomb explosion shape become the shape of the flower root. Now, the design looks like this; when the drips comes down to the ground, it became either the small flower root or a large water flow. I pulled out the brush library on Illustrator, and tested out all the brushes to see which one work the best for the ring. I had create the shape of the nuclear bomb explosion looked like a flower root now, and add the ring to it. I continued playing with the brush tools and the filter as well. I found the chalk-scubble brush work with the outside layer of the ring, and the filter chrome worked with the inside layer of the ring and I attached both together and add some blur to it to create some motion feel. After I finished my work, I sent to my supervisor because he was out today. I’m waiting for his feedback.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm, Uncategorized.

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