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Roy’s Internship Journey: Week 13

This week I had the privilege of attending Ripe Taste’s first official photo shoot. I was the assistant stylist and the assistant of my boss. I helped pair and prep the outfits. As well as arrange the clothing in sections so it would be easier to find. The photo shoot was ten hours straight and very exhausting. Even though it was exhausting, it was a fun experience. I got to interact with models and see how the things work behind the scene. I also had the chance to put my put sense into the overall vibe and concept of the images like what was working and what wasn’t.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Roy’s Internship Journey: Week 12

For this week, I was in charge of creating sliders for Ripetaste’s website. Sliders are like web advertisements meets navigation buttons on a given site. They help entice potential clients into buying and engaging more with the site. The sliders are like slideshows on PowerPoint which are setup to animate each slide’s transition and so it’s able to change in a continuous cycle. I did three different variations for my client. She chose the first one, which contained a vintage dress with the tagline “Remember when we laughed at our mother’s old pieces? Well… Meet your latest trend”. She asked if I could send her the slider in parts so that she could animate it to work on the site. I was satisfied with the outcome because it had a minimalist yet dated vibe, which works well with the branding of the company.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal Thirteen

Yesterday, December 3, I went into work for the full day. I had so much school work to do that I thought about saying I would come in later in the week instead, but I have been doing that so much lately, that I didn’t think it was the right thing to do.  In the morning I was given quite a bit of spraying and mounting to do, along with some scanning.  I really had a lot on my mind during the day with school, and spent some of the time working on that.  I spoke with one of the employees about a flyer he worked on.

I have been working a lot on some flyers and logos, and continue to try to get them ready for a portfolio.  I also have been trying, without a lot of success, to finish my Web Three site.  I have talked to the Professor a lot, but I feel like we spend lots of time obsessing over tiny details, and ignoring the fact that I have so much left to do, and little idea of how to do it.

I did finish coding the basic code for the JavaScript class, and I was happy about that.  I have coding at least two sites this semester, which is an improvement for me.  I still need to learn more about more advanced types of coding, and not stick with the simple basics.  I vastly prefer design over coding anyhow, though.

This job is not far from the end, and I guess it gives me a chance to reflect on what it was, and how I felt about it.  The people there were pretty nice, but I would have liked more to do.  It certainly wasn’t what I hoped it would be, though at the beginning all I really wanted was to not make a fool of myself.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal Twelve

I emailed my boss again this week and told him that I wouldn’t be able to come in until later in the week, as I had business I had to take care of.  I didn’t want to cancel again, but they are flexible with my hours, and I did say I would come in later in the week.

I have been working on the website I am doing for this class, and got all of the design done.  I need to try to code it now.  It is a fairly simple website.  It has about ten pages, including a home page, a page about the office, a page about the tasks I performed there, and pages chronologizing what I did during the various weeks.  It ends with a summary page.

It of course lists the mounting work I did, the organizing and retouching, the crime scene tracing, the logo design, and the scanning and printing.  I hope to include a slide show on the home page.  I have the King’s County logo on the front page, along with the slide show.  On the “about” page, I have many pictures from the office.  Then, on the pages chronologizing the weeks, I have tried to include photos which relate to what went on in the office that week.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal entry #12

This week has been the most tedious of all weeks. Black Friday was right around the corner so I was asked to design two social media Instagram pictures and two website banners. The designs were for the Black Friday promotions as well as the return of the Lip bar’s popular black lipstick Night owl. I was extremely happy I was able to finish the designs before the deadline. In the previous journal entries I discussed the donation campaign Melissa, the founder of the Lip bar,  had set into play. Just to refresh your memory, the goal of this campaign was to generate enough donations from Lip bar clients so the funds can be used to buy a Lip bar truck. On the Lip bar truck clients will be able to try on shades from the Lipstick line as well as make their own formulas on the truck.  This is to ensure that every customer walks away with a shade that suits there skin tone. Every lipstick that was purchased formed a contribution. What I wasn’t aware of was most of the orders had not been shipped out as of yet. I also learned that some of the prepared orders were not finished as well. So guess what was in store for me! From the past days I have been attending my internship it consisted of minor design, but primarily box folding. In total I folded about 110 boxes while Melissa, and Rosco-the creative director, and other interns helped out with the rest. In total 300 boxes had to be assembled and packed with every donators order. The first step was to take wrapping paper and line every box. The second step consisted of taking a white bag, which had the lip bar logo on it, place a business card inside, and a Lip bar pen. The third step consisted of going through every customers order and placing their lipsticks within a small pouch, then placing it in the first bag, wrapping it with the wrapping paper then closing the box. Most of the boxes had the names of the customer on it with the word “Cheers” in front of their names. After all of this tedious work was done 189 orders were finished and shipped. There were only 39 packages left. The last orders were not finished because most of the lipsticks that were in the orders were out of stock, so Melissa had to make some. With the addition of all of this work I received the pictures from last weeks photo shoots. Most of them didn’t come out so great. I am not to pleased about this outcome but there is also a video in the works so maybe I will be able to take some video stills. I just know that was a very long ordeal after I was finished with the day I was tremendously exhausted.

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Delmar’s J7

Dear Illustra Chronicles,

Seventh entry – I informed Gideon Kendell I also intern at a zoo, before we spoke about drawing animals and get the anatomy of specific animals like horses and llamas. So as an assignment he said draw three animals and sections of there body. I drew the barn animals which consist of sheep, goat and cows. If you ever go feed the barn animals, cows have rough tongues so be prepared to feel nasty, the goats are always attacking the sheep when the feed comes around.

A real test was drawing the Iguana and sting ray, these creatures seem to know I was doing this assignment so they wanted to mess with me moving each time I got focus to draw them and hide behind trees and camouflage themselves. So it has been slow these few weeks drawing what I see and my own work. I completed most of the archiving and photoshop work for Gideons Website. Next week we are working Highlights the illustrated book for kids.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Journal #8

All of my work is coming to fruition now. I say this because everything I have been working on is coming together. When I say all of my work I mean my intern work and my school work. Honestly speaking, I have never worked this hard in my time in Graphic Design school. Im proud of myself, I have come a long way since my freshman year. My confidence is a lot higher, but my work can improve a lot. I am achieving goals I set before starting the semester. One goal was proving to myself that I can become a really good graphic designer. I wasnt very good at photoshop and illustrator but I saw tutorials and practiced until I got comfortable with the software. I see when it comes to software its all practice, once you do it everyday it becomes second nature. I feel the reason I am succeeding at my internship is because of all of the hardwork I put in prior to going into JLC Print. I also got a lot of practice at JLC Print with software and I got practice on speaking to clients.

I am now comfortable talking to customers and pitching ideas to them.

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Journal #9

This week I learned a big lesson when it comes to the printing business. Always give customers low res proofs before printing because they can take your design you worked so hard on and print it somewhere else. Although that wasnt the case this week I always keep it in mind. The reason I say so is because we had a client that needed a food menu. I designed it and it was very time consuming because it requires a lot of type and aligning, Let alone the design work. I took around 5 hours to finish it. When I was finished with it the client hadn’t come back to pick it up. We wondered why, we had thought he took our design and printed somewhere else. He came back and told us that he had ran into legal trouble. He didn’t pay for certain permits he needed to open a business.

There are many things included when opening and running a business. Another lesson I learned from interning a print shop was you have to give people what they pay for. At first I would take a long time designing certain things for clients. Jaime Colon told me not to spend too much time on the design because the client wasnt paying for a well thought out design. Anything we do is better then what they can do (Being that many of our clients arent too tech davy.)


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm, Uncategorized.

Journal #10

This week was very easy because of all of the work I have been putting in on sight. I have done many things Im proud of, not just art work but the helping hand I have given. I got to work with clients for the first time in my life. I have always been creating for myself and school work. I have never gotten feedback from clients and when I did it was positive feedback. Im Grateful I have been Blessed with the opportunity to help people and help their businesses succeed. As of now I am working on business cards and post cards to put on the JLC Printing website. Its interesting to not only see my work online but for everyone else who logs on to see what I made. Jaime Colon the founder of JLC Print is making specials similar to Vista Print specials, to generate more revenue to the company. He is doing a $5 business card special. I got to see the ins and outs of how business works. People offer a good deal but while your going to check out they offer you everything else the company has just to get a bigger deal out of the client.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

More Reviewing & Making This Final

This weekend was possibly the busiest weekend I had with my boss this semester. I met with my boss Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday for more editing of the mockups, presenting them to people from another cafe we were at, and my boss editing the copy he gave me and editing the content so there’s less information and grammar corrections for each page. Apparently, my boss decided to edit the content straight from the Photoshop file I was using instead of from the copy he gave me from the email. While he was doing that, he wanted me to look up on how to collect people’s e-mail addresses so they can keep record of how many subscribe to their site when they have it up. Looking it up from my phone, I found a couple of sites relating to what he was looking for. This was referred to as A/B testing, and one of things this does is allow the user to collect e-mails and keep record of how many subscribers are up or removed from their site. This stuff is new to me so I’m not entirely sure whether this is what my boss is looking for so I might have to speak with someone else, like my professors at CityTech, to see if they know more about this.

On Tuesday, we met at the office and discuss on one of the webpages that has been bugging most of us since I designed it: The “Cause” page. The “Cause” page looks really busy with all the information provided and the image background. I tried my best to make it more simple but it still looks like a mess. I spoke with my boss of coming up with ideas to make the site looks more appealing by moving around the image at a better angle and only having one description box instead of two with the sidebars like what was shown on the “Story” and “Team” page. He agreed on this and had me work on it at the office. The result was a success! The only problem was the pinkish-color which should be slightly darker so the text can be legible and the opacity for the description box be the same as the ones from the “Story” and “Team” page. I will be meeting up with him at the office again on Friday to review the final result for the “Cause” page I’m working on and the information on how to collect subscribers e-mail addresses.

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